How eel Fish Farming

How eel Fish Farming

Fish eel ( Anguilla bicolor ) , including familiAnguillidae , Apodes order . Indonesia's estimated there are at least five (5) types of eel fish , namely : Anguilla encentralis , A. bicolor bicolor , A. borneonsis , A. Pacifica bicolor , and A. celebensis . Eels fish may not be known by many people here . But , in many countries eel so food was very expensive prima donna .Eel export demand continues to increase . Selling price is also astounding . Unfortunately , nursery and rearing techniques are the key to quality eel produces and exports worth not much mastered .Eel is a type of eel , but the shape is longer and larger . There are at least 50 cm . It is not a pretty sight . But who would have thought , foreign consumers consider taste delicious eel and has a high nutrient content . If in a Japanese restaurant , it 's called Unagi fish .The content of vitamin A IU/100 reach 4,700 grams , while the eel liver higher , yaitu15.000 IU/100 grams . Higher vitamin A content of butter which only reached 1,900 IU/100 grams . Even the DHA content of 1337 mg/100 g eel beat salmon while only 820 mg/100 mg/100 grams or 748 grams of mackerel . While the EPA content eel reached 742 mg/100 grams , well above the salmon which only 492 mg/100 g and 409 mg/100 mackerel grams only .Cultivation technology is still new in Indonesia . Eel aquaculture in Indonesia recently discovered around 2007 by Pond Scout Unit Karachi , which is the DG Fisheries Aquaculture , Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries . Though long enough eels cultivated in Japan and Thailand . Just so you know , the development of the cultivation of the two countries using seeds from Indonesia . "Looking at the world market demand for very large encourage us to conduct research eel aquaculture , "

 Eels fish grown in freshwater ( rivers and lakes ) to reach adulthood , after the adult eel migratory fish in the sea to reproduce . Larvae spawning results will evolve , and gradually drifted into coastal waters . Eels fish that have reached stadia Elver ( glass eel ) will be straddling from freshwater to marine waters through the river mouth .Fish prices are very tempting . Farmers in the price level for Elver eels with selling price between Rp . 250.000/kg . For the size of the 10-20 grams range from Rp 20,000 to Rp 40.000/kg , while the size of the consumption of > 500 grams for the type of Anguilla bicolor on the local market average USD 75.000/kg ; types Anguilla marmorata Rp 125,000 - Rp 175.000/kg .Eel larvae ( Elver ) associated with the season . Fish larvae estimated discharge starts at the beginning of the rainy season , but in the summer river flows and state factors affect the intensity ruayanya months .Eels are carnivorous fish , including fish . The fish in public waters eel eating different kinds of animals , especially benthic organisms such as crustaceans ( shrimp and crab ) , polichatea ( worms , Chironomus larvae and bivalve mollusks and gastropods ) . Fish feeding activity generally discharge at night ( nocturnal ) .Eel fishing has been intensively cultivated in Europe , especially in Norway , Germany and the Netherlands as well as Asia , namely Japan , Taiwan and mainland China . In other countries such as Australia , Indonesia and some European countries and West Africa generally still rely eel fish production of the catch in the wild .. Eels fish can be cultivated in a closed room ( indoor ) and outdoor (outdoor ) . In Indonesia, the ambient temperature is relatively constant throughout the year the fish eel maintenance can be done outdoors ( out door ) .Practically eel fish can be cultivated in a bamboo -walled ground pool , concrete pool ( concrete tank ) , pens and floating cages pharynx . Whatever type of container used in fish farming eels that hamus considered is how to prevent the escape of fish from aquaculture media .

Water Environment Good for Fish Farming eel 

a. Temperature.
On the maintenance of local eel fish seed, A. bicolor bicolor, best to spur the growth temperature is 29 ° C.
b. Salinity.
On the maintenance of local eel fish.,, A. bicolor bicolor (Elver), salinity which can deliver good growth was 6-7 ppt.
c. Dissolved Oxygen.
Minimum oxygen content that can be tolerated by fish eel ranged from 0.5 to 2.5 ppm.
d. pH.
The optimal pH for growth of eel fish is 7-8.
e. Ammonia (N H3-N) and nitrite (NO2-N)
At a concentration of 20 ppm ammonia discharge most fish are kept experiencing methemoglobinemie and the concentration of 30-40 ppm entire experience methemoglobinemie eel fish.

Nutrient Requirements 

As with other types of fish, eel fish need nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Optimal feed protein content is 45% to bestir fish (juvenile) and about 50% for small fish (fingerling).

At discharge Aquaculture Floating Net  

a. Floating Net .The unit has four pool cages measuring 7 x 7 m , with mesh size of 7 x 7 x 2.5 m and 2.5 -inch mesh . To avoid the escape of fish , around the edges of an upper lid of hapa with a width of 60 cm .b . Fish seed eel .Fish seed eel ( Anguilla bicolor ) weighing 15-20 grams per fish with a length of 20-30 cm .. Fish seed obtained from Pelabuhan Ratu eel catches are landed in open waters .c . Spreading solid .Each pond was stocked 100 kg of seed eel fish .d . Feed .The feed is artificial feed -shaped pasta with contents :| Protein 47.93 %| Fat 10.03 %| Seratkasar 8.00 %| BETN 8.32%| Abu 25.71 %Feed given as much as 3 % of the total weight of fish feed Convention by 1.96 . With the convention will be obtained perturnbuhan average rate of ` 1.46 % to 9.64 % mortality .e . Maintenance and Future Harvest .Maintenance on an eel fish floating net cages for 7-8 months , and future . harvest can gradually begin at 4 month maintenance period . The size of the eel fish , harvested can - reach sizes . consumption is 180-200 grams per head .Maintenance eel fish in floating cages pool is one of the alternatives in order to diversify fish farming in ponds floating net cages . However, the application still need to be considered general water quality conditions and used . 
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Corydoras (Corydoras semiaquilus)

Know at a glance Corydoras Fish Ornamental Fish - Overview Know Fish Corydoras - Corydoras is one kind of freshwater fish are much in demand by fans of ornamental fish in Indonesia and can be fishery products for export . Aside from being a freshwater fish , in developed countries Corydoras fish can be used as raw material for the manufacture of cosmetic products . Although this fish originated in Latin America , but it had long since been successfully dibudidayakn in Indonesia. Because of the way of cultivation is relatively simple compared to other fish species and maintenance cycles to reach market size is quite short , this fish is known to be cultivated easily and can even be done in the household though . Morphological features of the fish Corydoras have a body shape that is short and fat . More backs curved than the stomach . Both sides are equipped with a slab of fish body such as the bones are arranged in two rows . This fish has two pairs of whiskers located on the upper jaw and lower jaw as well as the size of its body length can reach 12 cm . Corydoras fish can be cultivated in ponds with dissolved oxygen in the water is low . The condition of water quality parameters are ideal for fish Corydoras life is on : 6-8 pH , water temperature 21.5 - 28oC and 2-25 ppm hardness .

Kingdom :Animalia

Phylum :Chordata

Class :Actinopterygii

Order :Siluriformes

Family :Callichthyidae


Tribe :Corydoradini
Genus: Corydoras
Lacepède, 1803

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chef lionhead

In Japan , lionhead goldfish is one strain of the ranchu . Strain goldfish is what is considered the king of goldfish , goldfish and even dubbed the most handsome . Ranchu goldfish himself recorded already in Japan since 1704 . In Indonesia it is called lionhead lion head ( because the head shape that resembles a lion ) , or ranchu . Characteristic of lionhead goldfish , no fins on his back . Thus there are only 5 fins alone in his body, while the normal goldfish has a 6 fin . A pair of pectoral fins and a pair of pelvic fins short and small . Caudal fin short and neat bloom . The flowering of the tail fin shaped like an inverted palms . Lionhead figure short , oval like an egg with a metallic gold color . The back looks slightly convex , and the curved tail . Lionhead gold metallic body . But now many are found in the market , lionhead goldfish are black, white , red and white combination . Lionhead crested head , commonly called soft veil . Color red or orange veil . Form and integrity of the veil affect the beauty of lionhead goldfish in total . Ranchu lionhead great strain has veil that covers the entire head , cheek , gill cover to the extent of the neck . So thick veil lionhead make faces as if swollen . The eyes look sunken , mouth shrunk into . Overall appearance looks adorable . Ranchu lionhead strains of thought were born mutated strain Maruko ranchu goldfish , which is one of the mutations wakin goldfish (common goldfish ) . Thereby lionhead is the second derivative of wakin mutations . Based on the ancient manuscripts found , it is known that the lionhead who entered Japan from China . Known four types Ranchu goldfish . Besides ranchu lionhead ( lion head ) , there are also Maruko ranchu , osaka ranchu , and Nankin ranchu . Based on " Genealogy Mas chef " , ranchu osaka , ranchu Nankin , and the birth of a lion head ranchu ranchu Maruko mutation . Thus ranchu Maruko is a forerunner of the presence of various other ranchu . Ranchu Maruko is a mutation of wakin . Maruko different Ranchu Ranchu Lionhead aka lion's head . Maruko body shape is just as ranchu ranchu lion's head , but the head shape is completely different . If it resembles a lion's head crested rectangular , the shape of the head taper Maruko and not crested . Overall appearance Maruko no match lionhead ranchu . That is why Maruko lost prestige of lionhead . Maruko now people are rarely maintained . As with lionhead , ranchu osaka also a mutation of Maruko ranchu goldfish . Osaka ranchu rounded body shape fat and shorter than lionhead . Taper -shaped head and no tuft . Body color of goldfish consists of a combination of red and white . A pair of short- finned tail , tail shape . When swimming , ranchu osaka typical move to the right and to the left . Currently osaka ranchu is not known. Before lionhead present , goldfish osaka kind ever captured the hearts of fans goldfish . Nankin ranchu ranchu also born of mutations Maruko . Form the basis of normal elongated body like wakin . Small and pointy head without crest . White body color combination of red with the tip of the mouth , gill cover , and fin - sirpnya . Because of the distinctive color , this ranchu goldfish by ornamental fish enthusiasts in Japan called rokurin . This Ranchu bred only residents in the area Shimane , Japan .

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Fish Botia India

Botia fish family Cobitidae India entered into with entities similar to a jet plane, with the mouth slightly bent downward. Compress the body with lots of black lines cut transversely body. The length of these fish can reach 10 cm. Has a tentacle tip of mouth to stir the bottom in search of food. Fish of the genus Botia nocturnalatau generally are active at night. Botia live in bottom waters and like to hide in their dens.

Needed for maintenance in the aquarium smooth sandy bottom with rocks and vegetation are sufficiently protective. Botia relatively peaceable fish in an aquarium that can be mixed with other fish. Good water quality for maintenance Botia india is at a temperature of 26-30 0C and pH 6.0-7.0.

Parent measuring 7-10 cm Botia India which has been maintained for 9 months of size 1.5 inches. Parent maintained in an aquarium-sized with a height of 35 cm water. Each parent in a aquariums totaling 17 tails, between male and female parent is placed in an aquarium. Aquarium is equipped with a 3-inch diameter PVC pipe as a hiding place Botia. The feed is given three times a day ad libitum from 08.00, 12:00, and the afternoon at 17.00. The feed is red chu (Chironomussp), while giving the silk worms carried as a spare afternoon meal at night.

Spawning is done in the aquarium size ketinggia cm with 35 cm of water. Before spawning holding elections. Holding elections conducted in the morning with the aim of parent obtained a really mature gonads. Parent fasted beforehand to avoid mistakes in the selection, especially for the female parent. In addition to selecting another purpose which is to separate the male with the female parent. Differences in male and female can be seen from the size and shape of the body, for the male of the same age have a smaller size and a slender abdomen is not widened, the female body is greater in the same age and wider abdomen.

Botia india including dipijakan fish that can not be done naturally so the stimulation of ovulation, one way of injecting. After the selection of the parent accommodated in a separate bucket and aerated. Prior to injection, the parent weighed to determine the doses to be used. Weighed before the parent, the parent anesthetized with clove oil doses of 1 ppm.

Injections done twice, the first injection is done in the afternoon at around 17:00 pm while the second injection performed at 4 hours after the first injection. The hormones used are ovaprim injecting a dose of 0.5 ml / kg parent. Before returning stem injected anesthetic to facilitate the injection. Intra-muscular injections made at the back of the parent with an angle of 45 0

After injecting stem spawning in an aquarium stocked with a ratio of male: female was 3 : 1 . Spawning takes place naturally , meaning that after an injection of stem left without striping done . Spawning takes place , usually occurs 4-6 hours after the second injection . Spawning , stem removed and transferred to a holding aquarium maintenance , while the eggs are left in the spawning aquarium . Properties india Botia egg is floating in the water column and instantly swell upon contact with water . The fertilized egg is transparent to the core which is also transparent . While the eggs are not fertilized white turbid . At a temperature of 26-27 0C eggs will hatch after 15-17 hours .
Larvae reared in spawning aquarium , it is dsilakukan to reduce the risk of death in larvae . Newly hatched larvae measuring about 2 mm , transparent , hovering dikolom move with the flow of water and air . Fed larvae began at the age of 2 days with a suspension that has been boiled egg yolk . Giving is done by squeezing the egg yolk with fine fibrous cloth . Giving yolk do too much because it will cause the water to become cloudy and ammonia content increased . Once the larvae aged 5 or 1 week , giving the yolk can be mixed with Artemia . Giving yolk is suspended if the larvae can actually eat Artemia . To know the exact time in the provision of Artemia as seen from the yolk when the larvae have been stuck in the wall aquarium , the larvae are ready to eat Artemia . At the age of two weeks the larvae are able to be given silk worm chopped . At the beginning of the silk worms are still mixed with Artemia , until the larvae can actually eat silk worms . One week later the seeds are enumerated in addition to silk worms silk worms are also given which are not enumerated .

Water quality management was first performed by menyiphon bottom of the aquarium . Penyiphonan was first performed at the age of larvae one week . The water coming out of the hose siphon filtered to avoid the escape of larvae sucked at the time penyiphonan participate . For the next three days penyiphonan done atu depending on the condition of maintenance media . Water is wasted when peyifonan replaced with new water that has collected in the reservoir .
Pendedera Botia fish usually accompanied by thinning which aims to accelerate growth and produce seed ready for sale measuring 1.5 inches . Thinning is done by sorting fish by size of fish of the same size and then placed in an aquarium with a density of 1 cm sized tail / liter . This activity was first performed at 20 days old seedlings . Seeds are sorted according to two sizes large and small about 1.5 cm less than 1 cm . After thinning the seedlings nurtured and fed three times a day to the full . The feed is in the form of silk worms . So the fish are more comfortable then the bottom of the aquarium laid the pipe size 3/4 inches as a hiding place . Maintenance is done to fish measuring 1.5 inches .

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Maintain Ornamental Fish and Aquariums

Here is a series of tips and helpful hints for beginners to undergo hobby maintain Ornamental Freshwater Fish. Freshwater Ornamental Fish species can live in a certain very long time if cared for properly. Therefore, you must have a long-term commitment before starting or maintaining fish Ornamental Fish Culture.

Here are the steps you need to do before you start raising fish or Ornamental Fish Aquaculture:
Find as much information as possible before buying fish. Pay attention to the following factors:
How big is the Freshwater Fish when mature and if you have an aquarium large enough to accommodate the Ornamental Fish body size as adults.
Find out about the water temperature, pH range, and so on
What kind of fish meals eaten
Freshwater fish species temperament. Whether certain species suitable for incorporation with the fish you already have or want to maintain in the future. This factor is often overlooked by penghobist.
Whether species will be able to breed your pet quickly? If so, do you have the equipment when the fish breed? (find unique ornamental fish and low in stores Selling Selling Ornamental Fish & Fish).

Are the fish to be purchased susceptible to certain diseases ?Buy an aquarium as possible in accordance with the budget and the space you have. Aquarium Fish Farming Ornamental great cause water in the aquarium is more stable . For example , if the temperature of the heater was broken , and the shops were closed , the water temperature will be more stable in a large aquarium .Learn about the nitrogen cycle in the aquarium . This important process you must understand if you want to succeed in maintaining freshwater ornamental fish .Learn aquarium equipment before you buy .If you love to read , buy books on freshwater fish look at Sell Sell Ornamental Fish & Fish . Reading books is the fastest way to get the information you need to keep the fish . Magazine subscription ornamental fish and aquarium is also one easy way to get tips and you continue to learn new things in this hobby .Provide plenty of hiding places for fish . Hiding place will be a place of refuge fish and fish will lower the stress level .Buy aquarium water test kit to monitor the aquarium nitrogen cycle ( look for aquarium supplies at Toko Fish Ornamental Fish & Shop ) . You can buy a test kit to test for ammonia , nitrite , nitrate and pH . You also have to test the tap water when using tap water .

Do not place the aquarium near a window. Sunlight entering the aquarium will cause an explosion of green algae. Direct sunlight will also cause increased water temperature in the aquarium.
Do not follow the rules 1inci fish per 1 gallon of water. Better rule is 1 inch of fish per 2-3 gallons of water.
Dechlorination do tap water before being put into the aquarium.
Buy aquarium filter that has a cartridge, so you can replace one when it is dirty, look here ornamental fish IKAH Stores Ornamental Fish & Seafood Retail.
Do not rinse the filter with tap water use in the aquarium water that you replace the filter when the water. And kloramin chlorine in tap water will kill the bacteria busting nitrite and nitrate in the filter.
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Goldfish Glass

Characteristic of this fish is part of his body not covered in scales. The part that is not covered scales cursory look clear, like glass. Along the lateral line (linea lateralis) around the base of the fins and scales are shiny white. The scales are large and not uniform.
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Fancy Goldfish

Carp body shape is elongated. Scales are white, yellow, and red. In the body there are black spots. Because of varying colors that are called fancy goldfish.
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Goldfish Kancra Domas

Elongated body shape. Movements resemble goldfish taiwan, which is always active and less benign. Scales are small and irregular structure. Color scales vary, there are blue, brown, or green. Scales back dark. Getting to the stomach, the brighter the color is silvery or golden.
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Goldfish Kumpay

Prominent features of kumpai goldfish fins are long and tufted all looked so wonderful while it is moving. Color scales vary widely, there are white, yellow, red, and dark green. Elongated body form like carp sinyonya. Growth is slow. Sometimes, this goldfish is also used as a food fish.
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Local Goldfish

The actual goldfish can not be classified as one race or type of carp. Nonetheless, this fish is the most commonly found in the field and the most widely known by fish farmers today.

Body shape and the color is a combination of several types of goldfish that already exist. In general, elongated body shape and her eyes are not slanted. The fish most likely arise due to uncontrolled cross-breeding with other types of carp others in the community.
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Goldfish Yamato

Carp is less popular among farmers in Indonesian carp. Elongated body shape. Green-brown scales. The carp are found and cultivated in East Asia, such as China and Japan.
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Goldfish Majalaya

As the name implies, this carp was first developed in the area Majalaya, Bandung regency, West Java. Body size, relatively short and the back is bent and taper compared with other goldfish races. Comparison between the length and his height is 3,2:1.

Her shape tapering toward the back and flattened snout shape. Nature of carp is relatively benign and common swimming on the water surface. Gray-green scales and darker edges, except at the bottom of the gills and at the bottom of the tail fin yellowish. The more towards the back, the color is getting darker fish scales.

Majalaya goldfish has advantages, including relatively rapid growth rate, susceptibility to infection by Aeromonas hydrophila, tastes delicious and savory, and is widespread in Indonesia. Fecundity or the number of eggs produced carp Majalaya relatively high, which 84000-110000 eggs per kilogram parent.
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Red Goldfish

Characteristic of this goldfish is red golden scales. Active movements, not tame, and most like poking the bottom. Relatively elongated body shape. Compared with sinyonya race, comparatively lower back position and no taper. His eyes were slightly protruding.
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Goldfish Taiwan

Taiwan goldfish has an elongated body shape and form slightly rounded back like a bow. Scales yellowish green to reddish yellow at the edge of the anal fin and the tail fin on the bottom. Taiwan carp are very responsive to food that will fight each other when fed. Allegedly carp ancestors are from Taiwan, later introduced and developed in Indonesia.
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Goldfish Sinyonya or daughter Yogya

It is not known for sure the origin of the name of this fish, although there is an argument that this sinyonya strain carp fish species that are taxonomically selection results include Cyprinus Linnaeus and species first found in the area of ​​Tasikmalaya, West Java (Khairuman and Amri 2008). Some people said, it is easy to carp spawn so called sinyonya. Elongated body shape (long bodied form) and the shoulder is lower than the goldfish Punten. Comparison between the length and height about 3,66:1.

Scales pale yellow like the color of citrus peel. Young fish eyes rather prominent, then turned into a slant when the fish is getting old. Nature carp sinyonya more benign than the fish Punten race. Sinyonya carp have a habit of gathering at the water surface.

Fecundity or number 85000-125000 sinyonya carp eggs and 0,3-1,5 mm in diameter. Parent sinyonya male goldfish will mature first sex at the age of 8 months, whereas the females at the age of 18 months. Goldfish are resistant to parasites Myxosporea. Tolerance range of pH 5.5 to 8.5.
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Goldfish Punten

This race was first developed in 1933 in the village of Punten, Malang, East Java. Body is relatively short, but the width and height of the backplate. Because of this, goldfish physique impressed Punten membuntak or short round (big belly). Comparison between total length and height are 2,3-2,4:1. Color scales dark green, slightly bulging eyes, slow body movements, and are benign.
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Types of Goldfish (Carp)

Currently, many types of goldfish that circulated among farmers, both types are not too high quality to superior types. Each region has a favorite type of goldfish, for example, in West Java, the most popular goldfish is a type of "carp Majalaya". In other areas, this is not necessarily the preferred type, and vice versa. The differences are usually influenced by the tastes and habits of the farmers who cultivate them for generations.

Of several species of carp that have been known to the public, "Majalaya varieties" including superior species. The proof, these varieties have been released by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1999 in the framework of the 25th anniversary of AARD.

The types of goldfish can generally be classified into two groups, namely the consumption of carp and ornamental goldfish. Type carp consumption are the types of goldfish that are consumed or eaten by the community to meet the nutritional needs of animal origin. Meanwhile, ornamental carp species commonly used for inner satisfaction or for decoration (ornaments) and maintained in garden ponds or aquariums.

Goldfish Consumption
Goldfish Punten
> Goldfish Sinyonya or daughter Yogya
Goldfish Taiwan
Red Goldfish
Goldfish Majalaya
Goldfish Yamato
Local Goldfish
Ornamental Goldfish
Goldfish Kumpay
> Goldfish Kancra Domas
Goldfish Glass
Fancy Goldfish
Koi Goldfish
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