Fish Niasa

Fish Niasa - Psedatropheus auratus auratus Bonlenger or English name. In DKI Jakarta better known species Niasa elongated body has a rather flat, bright golden yellow base color or black. Niasa very aggressive fish movements so be careful if you will be mixed with other types of fish.
Niassa fish is a freshwater fish from Lake Malawi, Africa. Niassa adult fish are carnivorous fish that can eat meat. Food such as artemia, zooplankton and shrimp rebon. These fish live and breed in temperate waters with temperatures between 25-300 C. Niassa easy spawning fish because these fish are storing eggs and her son in the mouth (mouthbreder) so without any nest, spawning can also take place, the fish is always spawn throughout the year and easily cultivated. In hot climates, Niassa fish can live in water to a temperature of 360C

According Saanin (1984) fish Niassa (Melanochromis auratus) are classified as follows:
Phylum: Chordata
Sub-phylum: Vertebrata
Class: Pises
Order: Percormophi
Sub order: Percoidea
Family: Chiclidae
Genus: Melanochromis
Species: Melanochromis auratus


Fish Niassa has a somewhat elongated flat body posture. Elongated fins on his back, with a rounded tail. Fish Niassa has a bright yellow base color, but some are colored black. This fish looks beautiful due to the transverse horizontal yellow line stemming from the head to the tail fin. There is a black line, followed by a white line that is exactly in the middle of the body, then on the back but some are in the fin


For aquatic biota, particularly fish, water serves as a medium of both internal and external media media. As an internal media, water serves as a raw material in the body reactions, transport of food through the body, Transporters metabolism that must be removed from the body, and regulate body temperature and support. While the external medium of water serves as a habitat. Because of the role of water is essential for aquatic life, the quality and quantity must be maintained according to the needs of fish. Water quality necessary to live and grow fish Niasa ie pH = 7, temperature of 24-27 0 C. Maintenance can be done in cement tanks or aquariums. The height of water required for spawning about 30 - 35 cm. Fish Niasa already be breeding in the age of 7 months with a body length: 7 cm. Parent males and females can be distinguished from the yellow fin spotted her anus. The males usually have spotted, while the female does not.
Eating Habits

Niassa fish are carnivorous fish are fish eaters. Niassa fish were fed to maintain the growth of the immune system. For maintenance of flea larvae can be fed water, brine and silk worms or worm hair. While the mother was fed shrimp or rebon to maintain the quality of their eggs.



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