5 Biggest Whale in the World

5 Biggest Whale in the World - In this world certainly a lot of giant animals. one of which is the largest mammal on Earth menguni. their size can reach 2 or 3 medium-sized homes. Fish Zone and the following will give you information about the 5 Biggest Whale in the World

1. World's Largest Fish Whale to-1 "Bowhead Whale / Balaena mysticetus"

Among the biggest whale in the world to-1 sequence is from a family of baleen whales Balaenidae. Black fish with no dorsal fin whales, which can grow up to a length of 20 meters. Estimates can weigh 136 tons, is thin with a blue whale, although not as long as the maximum length of the other whales.

Habitat is in sub-Antarctic waters and Antatika, unlike other Whales that migrate to feed or breed. Bowhead may include mammals longest and also has the biggest mouth. Bowhead is also a target of the hunt.

Population was initially reduced before the memorandum in 1966. Estimate whale population is currently about 24,900, down nearly half from the initial estimate of around 50,000. Kasian really gan.

2. World's Largest Fish Whale 2nd "North Atlantic Right Whale / Eubalaena glacialis"

The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis which means "good, or true, whale of the ice"), including baleen whales, one of the three species included in the family Eubalaena, but previously was classified as a single species.

About 400 whales live in the Atlantic ocean. They migrate during foraging in the Gulf of Maine, Georgia and Florida, an area with a sea of ​​fairly dense traffic of cargo ships. Whales adults have an average length of 11-17 m and weighs 17 tons, the largest species ever measured weighs 17 tons and a length of 18 meters and the biggest whale in the world that women could be even greater.

Unlike other whales, whale float is more happy, very little data about this whale, but believed to live up to 50 years, and some live for more than one century.

3. Whale World's Largest 3rd "North Pacific Right Whale / Eubalaena japonica"

North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena japonica) is a species of whale in the world's largest baleen strong 3rd common in the North Pacific until 1840, but is now very rare due to whaling 19th century and the 20th. Apparently there are two populations of the species in the North Pacific. Populations that occur in the southeastern Bering Sea and the eastern North Pacific whales probably 50 or less. A very poorly known populations in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Kuril Islands in Russia's Sakhalin Island might be around 300 or more animals, but almost no data in this population.

Although whales have been protected from whaling since 1935, the Soviet whaling is illegal in the 1950's and 60's spent their numbers further. International Union for Conservation of Nature has expressed concern that the numbers are now too low for recovery, and the extinction of whales which may be inevitable. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, E. japonica is the most endangered whales on Earth.

4. World's largest Whale 4th "Southern Right Whale / Eubalaena australis"

Whales ® 4th the Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) is a baleen whale, one of three species classified in the genus Eubalaena whales. Like the other Southern Right whales.

Southern Right Whales are easily distinguished from the others by the callosities on its head, with no dorsal fin, and a long curved mouth that begins above the eye. Skin is very dark gray or black, sometimes with a few white patches on the belly.

Right whale callosities appear white due to large colonies cyamids (whale lice). It is virtually indistinguishable from the Whale North Atlantic are closely related and Southern Right Whale North Pacific, showing only small differences in the skull. Perhaps fewer callosities on the head and on the lower lip of two northern species. Around 12,000 Southern Right Whales are spread throughout the southern part of the southern hemisphere.

The maximum size of adult females is 18.5 m, and approximately 130 tons. His testicles (seeds) may be the largest of any animal, each weighing about 500 kg. This suggests that sperm competition is important in the mating process.

Thick layer of insulating fat makes it impossible for them to dissipate their internal body heat in tropical waters.

5. World's largest whale to-5 "Fin Whale / Balaenoptera physalus"

The world's largest Whale 5th is Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus), also called the finback whale, who like a lot of work, is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whale.

Long and slender, the body of Fin Whale brownish-gray with a lower paler. There are at least two distinct subspecies: northern fin whales in the North Atlantic, and the larger Antarctic fin whales from the Southern Ocean. It is found in all the oceans of the world, from polar to tropical waters. It is absent only from waters close to the ice pack at both the north and south poles and relatively small areas of open ocean water.

Highest population density occurs in warm and cold waters. Food consists of small fish, squid, and crustaceans including mysids and krill. Like all other large whales, fin whales hunted in the twentieth century and is an endangered species. Almost 750,000 fin whales were taken from the Southern Hemisphere alone between 1904 and 1979 and less than 3,000 are currently living in the area. International Whaling Commission (IWC) has issued a moratorium on the commercial hunting of whales, although Iceland and Japan continue hunting: In 2009, Iceland took 125 fin whales during the whaling season, and the Japanese took one fin whales in the Antarctic season 2008 - the 2009.

The species is also hunted by Greenlanders under the Aboriginal Subsistence provisions of IWC Pope. Collisions with ships and noise from human activities also significantly threaten the recovery.


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