Angelfish Griffis ( Apolemichthys griffisi )

Angelfish Griffis (Apolemichthys griffisi) found within a limited range in the Indo West Pacific. Habitat Angelfish Griffis typical coral and deep on slopes or walls. Although not too flashy in color, Angelfish Griffis has a unique and striking patterns of the signs. It is most suitable for large aquariums without cnidarians or sponges that can tempt Angelfish Griffis to bite.

Griffis angelfish often found in coral reef slopes and sharp drop-0ff. They often live in solitary pairs or in small groups and do not migrate. Griffis angel fish live in the depths of 15m to 100m, ideally usually encountered at a depth of 40m to 60m below sea level.

Griffis Angelfish have time to breed between the ages of 1.4 years to 4.4 years. The main food Griffis Angelfish is a sponge and tunicate. It's fun when the ornamental fish Angelfish Griffis which we maintain in the reef aquarium would eat artificial foods like fish pellets.

Apolemichthys griffisi
Scientific classification

Kingdom       : Animalia
Phylum          : Chordata
Class             : Actinopterygii
Order           : Perciformes
Family          : Pomacanthidae
Genus           : Apolemichthys
Species         : A. griffisi
binomial name
Apolemichthys griffisi


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