fin Whale

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a baleen whale, one of the biggest rorquals species, long adult humpback whale for 12-16 meters and weighs 36,000 pounds. Humpback whales have a distinctive body shape, with long pectoral fins and a head stand. This animal is an acrobatic animal, often appearing on the surface of the water. Males secrete a song that sounds for 10 to 20 minutes and is repeated for hours at a time. Role of this song is unknown, although it seems to have a role in the pairs.
According to the observations of the project for 8 years, humpback whales use the position of the Sun, the Earth's magnetic field, and the stars as a guide trip. Humpback whales can travel as far as 16,000 miles and can travel a straight line for a few weeks.
"And they have to go through the whirlpool, but they can swim but straight," said environmental scientist from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, Travis Horton. "They use something other than their bodies," said Horton whose research is published in Biology Letters on April 20.

Humpback whales feeding in the ocean during the summer polar region. In winter, they migrate to the tropical oceans. At that time also they mate and reproduce. One-way, they can cover a distance of 8,000 kilometers, making them into animals with the longest migration distances on Earth.

For the study, and his team Travor pair of battery-powered devices that provide location information. Based on the observations, no matter the flow of water, storm, and other obstructions, track humpback whales never deviate more than 5 degrees wrong migrate. About half the whales were observed, only storing 1 degree even smaller.

"It is amazing how those lines are very straight," said marine biologist Alex Zerbini from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "We are curious to know how they do it," he added.

Already dozens of years, there is research on the migration of animals use the Earth's magnetic and tracking the Sun. But both are commonly used by poultry. Humpback whales do not seem to rely on both methods. Horton estimated that humpback whales also use the position of the moon or stars.


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