Fire Eel

Fire eel or so-called sili fire, a large eel is a type of fish commonly found in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam. In the wild these fish can reach a large size, which can reach about 1.2 meters.

But usually in smaller aquariums. Maximum length when in an aquarium is usually about 55 cm. As with other types of sili, sili fire has a row of small spines on its back. Elongated body shape and has a distinctive snout fish sili. Basic color is brown or gray, while the lighter color on the belly. Each individual has a different pattern. Usually a few lines or yellowish red spots on the body. The red line varies, depending on the age or condition of an individual. Young fish have a yellow hue, which will turn red as they age.

Sili fire inhabit slow flowing river environment and fine sediment. These sili in the wild live in a fairly broad area that covers most of Southeast Asia. They are water bottom dwellers that spend most of the time meraka to bury themselves in the bottom of the river, leaving only their snouts are often seen in the water. But they are voracious predators and hunt prey at all depths.

Young fish can generally adapt well to aquarium community. Sili fire measuring about 15 cm can be maintained in an aquarium measuring 60 cm and a capacity of about 75 liters. Sili fire generally peaceable, but the adult fish have a tendency to fight with other fish of the same species. Those who like to explore nature sometimes also can deprive plants of water and water required bogwood.Kondisi wood; water temperature 25-27 ° C and pH 6 to 7.5. Sili fire including a smart fish, they quickly learn to recognize their owners can even receive food from the hands of its owner. This fish can only be given live food, such as tubifex, bloodworm, mosquito larvae, small fish, and shrimp. The spawning fish are rare and very difficult.


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