Killifish ( Ranchow’s nothobranch )

Ranchow's nothobranch (Nathobranchius rachovii) or also known as Bluefin Bluefin nothobranch notho or a group of fish killifish from Mozambique, South Africa. She is a very beautiful fish with a body length can reach 6 cm.

Ranchow's nothobranch have orange and blue color variations are very beautiful, and some were even have slightly different shades of color, such as Nothobranchius rachovii KNP Black has a slightly darker color and Nothobranchius rachovii var. Red that has a red head with turquoise highlights. Generally, males are more colorful and attractive finned longer than females. Ranchow's nothobranch males have aggressive nature towards fellow male and female usually lives with a number of small berkelempok 2-3 individuals per 1 males.

Ranchow's nothobranch are carnivores that can accept several types of small live foods such as mosquito larvae, daphnia, blood worms and some other commercial foods. As a tropical fish, Ranchow's nothobranch live in water with a pH of 6-7 and a temperature of 20 - 240C. This fish is known as a short life span because of the rapid metabolism.
Wild-free, Ranchow's nothobranch live in lakes and ponds that dry up in summer. Before the water dries up, the fish will lay eggs in mud, adult fish will die when the water dried up, but the eggs survive during the summer. When the rains come and the lake re-filled with water, the eggs will hatch ranchow's nothobranch. Breeding in the aquarium can be achieved by placing the substrate soil about 2-3 inches to place their eggs. After laying eggs, separate the eggs from the substrate which contains water and put it in plastic, after 3-4 months and put back the substrate ranchow's nothobranch eggs will hatch.
Kingdom    : Animalia
phylum       : chordates
Class          : Actinopterygii
order          : Cyprinodontiformes
Family        : Aplocheilidae
genus         : Nothobranchius
species      : Nothobranchius rachovii


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