Kribensis / Purple Cichlide (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

Kribensis (Pelvicachromis Pulcher) or Purple cichlide Cichlide a group of fish that are endemic of the river - a river in West Africa (Nigeria and Cameroon). These fish are popular as aquarium fish aquarium as an attractive addition to the body color is also a relatively small body size that is 8-10 cm. Brown backs with a blue sheen and belly are white with purple pattern is quite wide. Gills are covered with brown pattern in red on top and blue on the bottom. Her body has a black stripe that ran from the base of the tail to the mouth. Kribensis mouth pink to red. The female body sizes are generally smaller and more rounded than the males.

Kingdom    : Animalia
phylum       : Chordata
Class          : Actinopterygii
order          : Perciformes
Family        : Cichlidae
genus         : Pelvicachromis
species       : Pelvicachromis Pulcher
Kribensis are omnivores to eat anything including worms, algae, and insect crutacea. In its natural habitat, kribensis live in warm temperate rivers namely 24 - 260C and pH 5.6 to 6.2. Distinguishing male and female fish than can be seen from the size of the body, can be seen from pelvic fins. Pelvic fin fish shaped tapered male while the female is round. Reproduction or breeding techniques is still little known, but in the wild fish will lay eggs by digging a hole under the water plant.

Artificial hole in the tank may also be used as a nesting site although fish will likely still digging to lay eggs too. Females will choose the strongest male in the group by way of illuminating color purple on her belly and shook his body in front of the male as a sign ready to reproduce. Eggs are usually found on the surface of the hole with an amount of 50 to 300 grains in the nest. Eggs are reddish brown will hatch after 2-3 days, and both parents will continue to keep the puppies until the fish is usually 28 days. Puppies will be free swimming fish after 4 days and can be mini-sized foods like brine or pellets. care in the aquarium like setting with lots of plants although kribensis will not touch it, besides it being wood and stone will make the fish more comfortable. Kribensis are not aggressive fish that can be kept with other fish like cichlid small size, barb and tetra.


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