Reedfish / Snakefish / Ropefish

Reedfish (Erpetoichthys calabaricus) also known as Ropefish and Snakefish a freshwater fish of the family berhabitat Bichir native of West Africa, especially in Nigeria to the Congo.
Reedfish environment is muddy or murky river.

Reedfish have a physical appearance that resembles a snake with a greenish tint on the back surface and yellowish on the surface of the stomach. Additionally, Reedfish have nostrils at the tentacles that protrude from the head. Reedfish can achieve maximum body length of 90 cm, but in the aquarium is only about 40

Like most bichir, it possessed some fish fins along its back. Reedfish live in the tropics with a temperature of 22 - 280C and pH 6-8. Reedfish moves like a snake while in the bottom waters, but he can also fast track time at the middle level. Reedfish is omnivorous predators that tend to eat small fish, shrimp, earthworms and occasionally consuming dead organisms also algae. This fish has a unique way of capturing prey, Reedfish can sense electrical signals from the gills of fish or other crustaceans and use elektroreceptor (contained in the nostrils) to catch them.

Kingdom   : Animalia
phylum      : chordates
Class         : Actinopterygii
order         : Polypteriformes
Family      : Polypteridae
genus        : Erpetoichthys
species     : Erpetoichthys calabaricus

Reedfish has the ability to breathe by taking oxygen directly from the air than breathes with gills, this is done by swallowing air at the water surface. Because in breathing ability, Reedfish can live without water up to eight hours of original skin is kept moist. Breeding in the aquarium has not been reported, but it is known that Reedfish external fertilization. Reedfish male fish have a longer anal fin than the female. Care in the aquarium, these fish are not aggressive with its type that can be treated in groups. In addition, the administration closed the aquarium is necessary because Reedfish can jump out the tank. Reedfish are nocturnal so it needs a lot of hiding places such as roots and rocks.


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