Royal Clown Loach

Royal Clown Loach is also a kind of fish or similar serowot Botia fish originating from the upper Yangtze River and in the middle of China. Other names include elongate Loach Loach and queen. The fish still had an alliance with tiger fish or Botia Botia clown in Indonesia. However, these fish have a larger size and less well-known than Botia clown from Indonesia. Long in their natural habitat can reach 50 cm.
 Fish measuring 18-30 cm usually imported from China. As of ornamental fish, fish is quite interesting because of the color and how to swim in the large aquarium. Its body has a light green or grayish brown with golden light. There is also a line of black vertical lines and irregular black patches on her body. His head has a gray color with yellowish brown side. Royal Clown Loach has shaped elongated body with three pairs of small barbels on its mouth.
Royal Clown Loach is actually a nocturnal fish are very shy and tend to be active only at night and at meal times. They prefer to be in hiding and resting on rocks and roots. Although this is a carnivorous fish with small fish as their natural food, these fish are not aggressive. This fish can be kept with fish of their own species or other large fish are not aggressive as tankmates. Just keep in mind, if there are other fish that can fit into their mouth, the fish can be food for them. Because these fish are carnivorous fish, then the feed is best live food like blood worms or small fish. Feed frozen and pellet food can also be received by this fish. Water conditions are appropriate; pH 6.8 to 7.2, and water temperature 22-28 ° C. This fish requires a large aquarium and hiding places such as stone, wood, or roots. Royal Clown Loach is a shy fish and prefers a calm lighting. These fish are bottom dwellers fish aquarium. Every once a week, at least about 10% of the water in the aquarium must be replaced. The substrate used was a fine gravel or sand. Royal Clown Loach has never been breed in aquariums and not bred commercially.


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