Sea fish

Marine habitats (oceanic) is characterized by salinity (salt content) is higher with CI-ion reached 55%, primarily in tropical ocean regions, because of the high temperature and evaporation. In the tropics, the sea temperature is around 25 ° C. Temperature difference upper and lower height. Boundary between layers of hot water at the top with cold water at the bottom is called the thermocline.
In cold areas, the temperature of sea water so that the water can be mixed evenly, then the surface area of ​​the ocean remain fertile and many plankton and fish. Movement of water from the shore to the middle of the water causes the top down to the bottom and vice versa, thus allowing the formation of the food chain that goes balk. Marine habitats can be distinguished by its depth and surface area horizontally.

1). According to depth, sea water ecosystem is divided as follows.
    a. Litoral is an area that borders the land.
    b. Neretik is an area that still sunlight can penetrate to the bottom of it ± 300 meters.
    c. Batial it is an area that ranges between 200-2500 m
    d. Abisal an area farther and deeper than the beach (1500-10000 m).

2). According to the horizontal surface area, respectively, from the center to the edge of the sea, the sea is     distinguished as follows.
    a. Epipelagik is the surface area with water depth of about 200 m.
    b. Mesopelagik an area under the epipelagik into an 200-1000 m. Animals such as sharks.
    c. Batiopelagik is an area of ​​the continental slope to a depth of 200-2500 m. Animals that live in this area   such as octopus.
   d. Abisalpelagik is an area with a depth of 4.000m; did not plants but animals are still there. The sun's rays can not penetrate this area.
   e. Hadal deep sea pelagic part (base). Depths greater than 6,000 m. In this section there are usually sea catfish and fish Links that may give off light. As a manufacturer in this place is a symbiotic bacterium with certain corals.

At sea, animals and plants have a low level of cell osmotic pressure which is almost equal to the osmotic pressure of sea water. Higher animals adapt to the way a lot of drinking water, a little urine output, and expenditure by way of osmosis water through the gills. Excessive salt is actively excreted via the gills. 


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