Snakeskin Barb

Snakeskin Barb (Puntius rhomboocellatus) is a beautiful fish that is rarely found its existence. Barb fish in this family, scattered in the interior of Borneo, Indonesia particularly in rivers such as the Kapuas river, Kepayang, Barito and Kahajan.
Normally occupied habitat of swamp connected to small rivers which are found in the forest area. Blackish brown turbid water state due to decomposition of organic material that accompanied the release of humic acid and other chemicals. Mineral content of the water in the fish's natural habitat is almost non existent with minimal pH 3-4. In addition, rain forests will cover most of the surface of the river and only a few surface rivers that receive sunlightThe term derived from the name rhomboocellatus pattern on the fish's body. Rhombo means parallelogram while ocellatus means eye, this indicates that the pattern resembles a fish eye because of the different color patterns. Snakeskin barb has a reddish orange body color with a pattern that resembles a black eye on the outer line and red on the inside. All the tail fin including a camouflaged-colored transparent red color. The small size of the fish with a body length of about 88 mm or 3.5 inches.Snakeskin barb color has not as pretty young adult fish, with their silvery backs a little red and pale-colored pattern. In the aquarium, the fish snakeskin barb is peacefull and fit when in a tank mix with other fish such as Danio, Puntius, Rasbora, Loach and Gourami. In addition, a barb Snakeskin fish groups, and the aquarium is recommended to be maintained amounts of tail 8-10. These fish are omnivores, in the wild they feed on worms, crustaceans, some plant material and other organic pieces. In the aquarium, they can receive any food because it is not picky. To obtain the best condition and nice color, can be live or frozen foods such as bloodworm, artemia and daphnia.

Kingdom    : Animalia
phylum       : chordates
Class          : Actinopterygii
order          : Cypriniformes
Family        : Cyprinidae
genus          : Puntius
species       : puntius rhomboocellatus
Maintenance process can be done in the tank with the size of 45cm x 37.5cm x 30cm for fish comfort. Setting the tank can be made ​​to resemble the original habitat as the light is not too bright, accessories roots, stems or leaves of plants, and dark colored substrates. Some Asian water plants that can survive in these conditions can also be added as Microsorum pteropus (Java fern), Taxiphyllum barbieri (Java moss) and Cryptocorynes. Try to keep the turbulence filter is not too bumpy. Tank water temperature can be maintained at 23-280C with acidity levels close to neutral at pH 5-7. These fish include fish that are active but not aggressive and require very good water quality.

Snakeskin barb adult males have tended to be smaller than females, but it also appears to be more slender and more strikingly colored than the female. For membreeding, prepare the tank with a size of 30cm x 20cm x 20cm. Lighting conditions should be vague and provided good leafy plants such as Java moss as the fish lay eggs. At the bottom of the tank is a small net mesh size is large enough to catch the falling eggs fish and mesh small enough to reach the parent. tank water pH should be slightly acidic to neutral with a temperature slightly above the temperature of the tank be set maintenance. To obtain maximum results, select a nice colored males and females are full of eggs plasticity, and separate them to the breeding tank in the evening. They will lay eggs after a morning with eggs collected on the plant. Breeders had to be removed after spawning as broodstock will eat baby fish. The eggs will hatch sete; ah 24-36 hours with a new baby fish will be swimming on day 3 or 4. Newly hatched baby fish fed small as infusoria, until they were able to receive food such as daphnia or Arthemia nauplii. Replacement of small amounts of water approximately 10-20% should be done until the baby fish are 3-4 months old.


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