Toxic Marine Fish Species

Toxic Marine Fish Species - If getting fish that we've never heard you should be careful, ask the fishermen or communities around the coast about the fish does not contain toxins. One of the fish that are poisonous puffer fish is widely known, but there are many more marine fish that contain toxins, especially ciguatera toxins.

Here are some types of fish poison released by the Unesco

It's not a lot of ciguatera toxin poisoning statistics exposed in public.

Each year approximately 60,000 people ciguatera poisoning, the mortality rate was just 1%. Memangsai predatory fish small fish around the coral reef, which eat algae gambierdiscus toxicus itself is not dead, but the poison accumulated in their body. Symptoms of poisoning usually begin after a 12-to 24 jamseperti the following: nausea, itching, vomiting and diarrhea, mouth felt numb, hallucinations.

Pertologan first: eating norit and immediately taken to hospital and infused with mannitol. Most likely the local fishermen know and be able to provide information on whether the area happened in ciguatera poisoning.


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