Wahoo ( Acanthocybium Solandri )

Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) is a marine fish species are better known in part as the Indonesian society Wahoo, due to its shape which resembles a mackerel fish with body color light gray. However wahoo fish has a different body color with gray vertical stripes green / blue on her body and teeth shape differentiating wahoo fish from mackerel.
Mackerel male or couple of mackerel, so according to the belief of the fishermen who are western coastal area of Java. Wahoo fish meat is difficult / rare public as food consumption, because the wahoo fish meat is considered more hard and chewy than mackerel.

 For Wahoo fishing, the anglers trolling used to use techniques, ngoncer, jigging, and high-speed trolling. Around West Java, this fish can be found in kep. Krakatau, cape dimples, sea mount, west end, Binuangeun area, and harbor queen.

Habitat Wahoo

Wahoo fish is a fish species of prey (predator) that habitat can live together or on their own in the tropical and sub-tropical waters with an average size of 5-20 pounds, these fish are in tubiran coral regular and always on the move, migrate to the -place easy to find food for the wahoo prey size smaller than the size of the body without the need to chew it first.

The size of the biggest fish ever caught wahoo that is 250 cm long with a maximum weight of 83 kg. with a range of individual development by 3-4 cm per month. Wahoo current level of maturity between the ages of 1 and 2 years old, believed to be a wahoo fish could reach the age of 5 to 6 years.

 By having aerodynamic body shape, wahoo fish under certain conditions the fins can be folded to form such a missile to reduce the factor of resistance / resistance in the water in order to reach top speed. Such as chasing prey or under threat, according to some experts or experts in the field of fisheries, a record speed ever recorded, a wahoo can swim with a top speed of up to 75 miles per hour!

Sometimes when chasing prey at high speed out of the water and crashing when small prey or escape without braking, a wahoo look "fly" or jump out of plain water.

Habits of fish wahoo in the hunt for food are always in small groups, consisting of 3-5 fish, wahoo fish if entourage already smell or detect prey prey fish food then the group will immediately step on the gas run swim at full speed about 80 km / hour.
Fish will dive as deep as 1-2 m below the surface of the water to get to the goal with guidance contained sensor head, and when the target distance is close, the group's wahoo fish will dive deeper and will appear suddenly from below herd objectives fish become food.

Wahoo in the Eyes of Anglers

Mania for fishing, wahoo fishing is not considered strange fish, but not many that are found mania for wahoo fishing. For many wahoo fishing fishing techniques that can be used as general trolling / trolling, jigging ngoncer up. wahoo fish because it is not a type of fish that chose lures.
If you would like a wahoo fish while fishing, choose a spot around the usual places tubiran reef fish wahoo swim to find prey. Do not steer the ship out to sea because it would be difficult to find a herd of wahoo. Wahoo sometimes swim in a small group. If it happened when you strike troling wahoo fishing, try to remove the bait back on the same area.
Some researchers claim, not the typical wahoo fish that are always clustered. Wahoo hunt their own prey. But if found a collection / lot of gangs prey, a small group together wahoo will intercept and catch prey.

 A little tips which maybe could you disposable for fishing fish wahoo with way trolling, use the methods deep-trolling, could achieved by using Downrigger using the bait plug or lipless. Besides it can also use technique of speed trolling with special bait trolling fast. The mentioned caused by fish wahoo is the constitute fish fast swimmer and not choose bait for be used as its prey.

Fish wahoo is not constitute surface fish, however if wahoo look at prey good with high speed nor the low, then the wahoo will strive go up surfaced which water for paralyze its prey swim with high speed.


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