8 Fish Seabed

Fishworlds We - Fishes The sea floor must adapt to the environment very minimal food stocks due to the environment that is very deep. they are much depth 5000m below sea level and without any light. humans were few beings-beings who know the sea floor. The following Fishworlds We will give you info about 8 Seabed Fish.

1. Viper fish

Has the Latin name Mesopelagic can be found at a depth of 80-1600 meters, a fish with a look super cruel (wide mouth and sharp teeth). Unlike most of the fish in the ocean, these fish do not have skin color aka invisibility and organs light up because the process is called bioluminescence, other than that they have a great eye for gathering as much light as possible in the conditions of low light or no light at all.

     Wide mouth in swallow whole fish even bigger than his body, this is possible because the stomach is elastic so it can expand. Fish sea floor must adapt to the environment very minimal food stocks due to the environment that is so deep that not many other creatures that roam, they sometimes eat each other similar to each other to survive.

2. Fangtooth

Also known as Anoplogaster cornuta, though it looks like a monster, it's just a fish can grow up to 6 inches in length. This fish has a short body with a large head, the fish life is pretty extreme depth of 16,000 feet.

     High pressure and near-freezing temperatures made ​​food hard to find, so the fish is almost ate all of which can be found. Fangtooth can be found in tropical oceans such as Australia.

3. Dragonfish

Has the Latin name Grammatostomias Flagellibarba, living at depths of 5000 feet / 1,500 meters, has a kind of proboscis light connected with his chin. The side of his body parts are also used light to alert other Dragonfish fish during the breeding season.

4. smooth

Also known as Melanocetus Johnsoni, his body growing to 5 inches, his body almost like a basketball, was found at a depth of 3000 feet.

5. gulper Eel

Also known as Eurypharynx Pelecanoides, can grow to a length of 2-6 feet can be found at a depth of 3000 to 6000 feet on the ocean floor.

6. giant octopus

Has the Latin name Architeuthis Dux, one of the largest sea creature, can grow up to size 60 feet, known as the largest invertebrates ever. One animal is known to be very mysterious because no one has ever seen this creature in the wild, because most of them arrested already dead or entangled in fishing nets.

    These animals including carnivores, and they will eat whatever they catch, during the second world war there was a story that says the creature pull someone from a small boat in the dark of night. But this octopus is a favorite food for whales, because this giant octopus ever found in the stomach of a dead whale.

7. Giant Isopod

Also known as Bathynomus giganteus, can grow to a length of 16 inches, live at a depth of 2000 feet.
8. Long Nosed Chimaera

Have another name Harriotta Raleighana, can grow up to 5 feet long, has a snout nose are like supersonic aircraft, living at a depth of 8000 feet.



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