
Arapaima, also called pirarucu (giant fish), Paiche, or arapaima gigas (Latin) is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, which comes from the Amazon, South America.
His name alone is heard that fish is unique, especially if you look at it directly. Araipama rough fish have scales - major, plus a keen eye. And life on the water temperature 24 - 30C and can grow up to 3 m long and weighing 200 kg - some sources say 5 m. However, now rarely found arapaima fish larger than 2 m. Arrest due to consumption and export needs.

Family is a group of fish araipama Osteoglossidae, namely: tongued and bony fish. Kinds of Arowana fish. Araipama fish breathing ability is extraordinary. In addition to be able to breathe with gills, the fish turns araipama can also breathe in the air, under certain conditions. Thus, when the waters were receding araipama fish can escape. Normally, it will form a ball and furl themselves immersed himself into the hole until the water comes back. No doubt, thanks to this ability, araipama fish will come to the surface once every 5-20 minutes. Just not absolute. It means there is still a factor of size and age. Araipama for young fish, usually come to the surface once every 5 minutes. For each of the fish araipama 18-20 minutes.
In addition to the ability to breathe in the air, the fish has a unique araipama another, namely: his tongue. Tongue araipama fish reaches 15 cm long. Where, the tongue when the big fish will berkonstur rough with bone structure clearly visible. The locals often use them as sandpaper. Wow, amazing yea ...

fish Merciful
Araipama fish including animals that reproduce by laying eggs. In one spawn, fish araipama female can produce 50,000 eggs. For a breeding ground, they pick a hole of its own. Usually the female parent will keep the eggs to hatch. After that, the male parent will keep her in the mouth and to communicate through existing pherophone in the head.

 Coming to Indonesia
This ancient fish one, come to Indonesia since 1990. Where, certain people keep in a small aquarium. According to the survey, araipama fish can live up to 6 years old with a length of up to 5 meters in the wild and 3 meters in an aquarium.


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