Killer whales (Orcinus orca)

Killer Whale or Orca (Orcinus orca) is the largest species of the dolphin family. This species is found in all oceans, from the cold areas such as the Atlantic and the Antarctic to the warm temperate region. Orca can be found in almost every ocean in the world, but mostly Orca living in cold regions and has a characteristic black and white on the body.

Killer whales are the top predator in the ocean, most of the fish-consuming populations, while other populations consuming marine mammals such as sea lions, seals, walruses to large whales.

On 04 October 1997 in the United States off the coast of California was, a group of whale watchers who are in traveling on the island of Farallon has recorded a unique occurrence of killer whales attacking sharks adult white sharks and then eat it. statement saying that the Sharks are predators that control the top of the food chain in the sea were broken off because of the incident.

Orca or killer whale is a toothed whale that is an efficient predator, even attacking huge pale blue whales. Their only enemy is man. Orca living in small places, close, life-long pods and have 1 blowhole. Killer whale belongs to the family of dolphins and the largest dolphin. Sometimes called "wolves of the sea" because its behavior is similar to wolves.

Researchers have found that they hunt in silence as an effort to avoid sounding by prey. Killer whales use the 'whistling' to talk to each other and as a way of finding their way around. This echo is also aimed at helping the animals to map their environment, and to determine the location of the next feeding. They organized themselves into a group. Although antarpaus distance from each other up to a mile away, but at the time heard a loud noise, then another one and another antarpaus came to share their catch.

Orca can grow about 27-33 feet (8-10 m) long, weighing more than 8.000 to 12.000 pounds (3.600 to 5.400 kg). Orca males larger than females. They are the largest member of the dolphin family. 

Skin, shape, and fin

Orca skin is mostly black with distinctive white spots. Orcas have stocky bodies and a rounded head with a distinctive beak. They have, high crescent-shaped (crescent shaped) dorsal fin and large, paddle-like flippers. Dorsal fin of males is higher (up to 6 ft tall) and more upright than that of women (the dorsal fin up to 4 ft high).  

Gear and food is

Killer whales are efficient hunters that eat a very diverse diet of fish, squid, sharks, marine mammals (including whales and seals), turtles, octopi, and birds (penguins and gulls). They even have been known to attack young blue whales and other large whales. They have 10-13 pairs of large, mutually cones, tooth enamel is distributed in both the upper and lower jaw (for a total of 20-26 pairs, so the orca has 40-52 teeth).

Teeth curve inwards and backwards - this helps orca catch its prey. Teeth average about 3 inches (7.6 cm) long and about 1 inch in diameter, but some even longer. Pod members who often work together in the hunt. An average-sized orca will eat 551 pounds (250 kg) of food a day.

Killer whales live in waters ranging from the tropics to the poles, and both coastal and deep ocean waters. They are found in all oceans of the world and most of the oceans. Orca sometimes enter estuaries, but do not go far from the sea.


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