Mudskipper fish (mudskipper)

In English this fish known as the mudskipper, for his habit of jumping up and down in the mud. While other names of this fish is quite a lot of them; Mudskipper, Belodok, Belodog or Blodog. According to scientific classification, these fish belong to the tribal children Oxudercinae. The fish in the Malay language is known as Tembakul, Tempakul, Timpakul or Belacak. Whatever the name of this fish, the fish definitely has a uniqueness that is happy to jump around to the mainland, especially the area around the shallow muddy or watery mangrove forests when the water receded.

The fish shape is very distinctive. His eyes protruding above the head like frog eyes, face low and flat, and the back fins outstretched charming. Long round body like a torpedo, while the rounded tail fins. Body length varies from a few centimeters to approximately 30 cm. Besides being able to survive long in the land, Mudskipper fish can climb the roots of mangrove trees, jump away, and 'walk' in the mud. Strong muscular chest fin base, so that the fins can be bent and arms to serve as creeping, crawling and jumping.

Power to survive in this land is also supported by its ability to breathe through their skin and in the mucous membranes lining the mouth and throat, which can only be accomplished in a moist state. Therefore Mudskipper fish every moment needs to dip into the water to wet his body. Mudskipper fish Periophthalmus koelreuteri every time can last up to 7-8 minutes on the ground, before getting back into the water. In addition, Mudskipper fish also store some water in the gill cavity is enlarged, allowing the gills to always submerged and serve the fish while walking around on land.

Life in the intertidal zone, dig a hole in the ordinary Mudskipper soft mud for their nests. This hole can be very deep and branching, water and a bit of air in certain rooms. When the tide rises, Mudskipper fish generally hide in holes is to avoid predatory fish are coming. The males have some sort of tool on sex copulation. After marriage, Mudskipper fish eggs deposited in the hole and guarded by the female parent. The eggs are sticky and attach it to the wall of mud. Mudskipper fish (Periophthalmodon schlosseri) can spawn up to 70,000 butir.lengan to creep, crawl and jump.

Mudskipper fish prey on a variety of animals, ranging from cleaning crabs (Uca spp.), Shrimp, fish, mussels, squid, up to ngangrang ants and flies. This fish is also thought to take a little plant. When exploring the mainland, Mudskipper fish also often attack and expel the others Mudskipper fish, this is done to maintain its territory. Mudskipper Fish deployment only found on beaches in tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific region to the Atlantic coast of the African continent.

Currently it has identified as many as 35 species of fish Mudskipper. Divided into three major groups, namely Boleophthalmus, Periophthalmus and Periophthalmodon. Some examples are Pseudapocryptes elongatus species, Periophthalmus gracilis, Periophthalmus novemradiatus, Periophthalmus barbarus, Periophthalmus argentilineatus and Periophthalmodon schlosseri. Not much revealed the value of the fish. But this fish is among the most resistant to environmental damage and can survive in conditions that are "alarming" though. However, in China and Japan, a Mudskipper fish meal, as well as used as a traditional medicine, especially as energy enhancers lelaki.merangkak and jump.


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