
Monday, July 15, 2013

ANATOMY goldfish

Anatomy Organs In goldfish

In the body cavity of goldfish, there are organs like kidney, swim bladder, genital glands (gonads), and the digestive organs. While the liver is also found in the pericardial cavity of goldfish.

Istem Muscle Tissue

Goldfish can swim with the help of system muscle tissue. Goldfish framework can be classified into two types: the main frame and supporting frame. Controlled by the nervous system, muscle tissue attached to the skeleton (bones) and make contractions and muscle activity so that goldfish can move and swim.

Digestive System
The food will be converted into nutrients by the digestive system and absorption. While the food has been digested is discarded into the feces. Goldfish digestive system consists of mouth, pharynx and larynx, pharynx teeth, intestines, gallbladder, liver, pancreas and rectum. Goldfish can not swallow large food directly into the digestive system, for the mouth of a small goldfish, there is no teeth in the jaw, mouth protrudes forward, and within the walls of the digestive system smooth. Thick muscle located on the upper lip, which can stretch freely, helping to push food in the mouth and into the mouth or removing it from the inside. In addition there mouth pharynx and larynx, and pharyngeal teeth underneath there that will chew food. Having reached these organs, the food into the esophagus and intestinal tract. Intestinal tract is divided into three sections: the front intestine, middle intestine and hindgut. There is no stomach in the digestive system. Goldfish that overeating will make the intestines bulge; goldfish so the stomach will look bloated, and this is not good for the health of goldfish. It is advisable that goldfish do not eat a lot of food in one sitting. Give feed the goldfish in small amounts, but often.

Respiratory System

Respiratory system helps goldfish to breathe in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. In this system, the gills are the organ that holds the most important pernanan. Gills are organs in the gill cavity under opercula. In each opercula are four gill arches on two gill lamella. Gill filaments are filled with capillaries found on the gill lamella. When the mouth and opercula moving in harmony, then the oxygen dissolved in the water will be brought to the capillary blood vessels, the water will come out melwati gills, while the carbon dioxide in the blood is released into the water.

Expenditure System
Metabolic wastes excreted through the expenses organs such as kidney, bladder, and gills.

1. Kidney: There are two pieces of a dark red organ that lies under the backbone and attached near the rear of the body cavity. This organ is functioning kidney to produce urine and dispose of waste. 
2. Urinary Pouch: This organ is flat and oval shaped and located between the anus and the excretion hole. Behind the bladder are urinary tract (urethra). 
3. Gills: A lot of waste is disposed of metabolic waste through the gills. 

SirkulasiAktivitas system goldfish life is realized through the cells to function on their own. Nutrients and oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is removed and the wastes are part of the responsibility of the circulatory system. 

1. Heart: Organ is composed of one atrium and one cubicle. Located near the connection between the body and the head, the heart as a major force in the circulation system inside the pericardial cavity. Making blood circulation goes well, the movement itself was governed by the heart. 
2. Blood vessels: There are three types of blood vessels in the goldfish: the arteries, blood vessels are veins, arteries and capillaries. Among the three types of blood vessels, the capillaries are very small. However, there are a lot of capillaries scattered in all parts of the body Goldfish that provide space for air exchange and substance. 
3. Blood: Blood on the red goldfish. Red is derived from hemoglobin that serves to bind oxygen.  
4. Pouch sperm: major sex glands (gonads) are a pair in the male goldfish sperm sac under the swim bladder and organ at the back of the hepatopancreas. Sperm sacs are long and flat. Its function is to produce sperm when the male goldfish have entered the age of maturity. 
5. Ovaries: primary sex glands (gonads) in female goldfish is a pair of ovaries. Ripe ovaries were full of yellow eggs. Zygote which will be produced from the seed meeting the egg and sperm outside the body due to fertilization in the female parent. 

Urinogenital System

Reproduction in goldfish depends on urinogenital system. Goldfish are living creatures that reproduce by laying eggs. Goldfish are known with two sexes: male and betina. 

Sistem Balance 

1. Bubble Pool: This organ is filled with air. Organ swim bladder is often divided into front, middle of the back with compressed. The main function of the organ bubble is to help goldfish swimming up or down in order to adapt in the water. 
2. The nervous system and the endocrine system: The nervous system and the endocrine system serves to coordinate the movement of all the organs so that everything is aligned.  
3. Nervous system: The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The nerve endings associated with all the sensory organs (sensory organs in the skin, acoustic organ, olfactory organ, and the organ of vision, etc..) As well as muscle tissue to get the impulse. Brain, nerves and spinal cord can control all activity throughout the body. 

 Endocrine System

The system is controlled by the nervous system. Endocrine system functions to adjust whole body activities by releasing hormones goldfish.

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