Secondary sexual characteristics consisted of 2 types:
1. Not associated with reproductive activity
- Body style (♀ larger)
- Buncak ♂ minnow spawning fish pd (Osmerus)
- Longer tail fin pd ♂ cinggir daughter (Xiphophorus helleri)
- Body color more brilliant example ♂ pd on Lepomis humilis Lepomis humilis longer tail fin pd ♂
1. Not associated with reproductive activity
- Body style (♀ larger)
- Buncak ♂ minnow spawning fish pd (Osmerus)
- Longer tail fin pd ♂ cinggir daughter (Xiphophorus helleri)
- Body color more brilliant example ♂ pd on Lepomis humilis Lepomis humilis longer tail fin pd ♂
cinggir daughter (Xiphophorus helleri)
2. Aids spawning
- Gonopodium pd fish ♂ thousand (Lebistes reticulatus)
- Pectoral fin modification heteorchir ♂ pd pd gonopodium Xenodexia to hold his position allows for
- Gonopodium pd fish ♂ thousand (Lebistes reticulatus)
- Pectoral fin modification heteorchir ♂ pd pd gonopodium Xenodexia to hold his position allows for
easy entry into the female oviduct
- Modified pelvic fins which became myxopterygium (clasper) on Elasmobranchii ♂ ensure
- Modified pelvic fins which became myxopterygium (clasper) on Elasmobranchii ♂ ensure
internal fertilization
- Tenaculum (sort of clasper who are top of the head pd) pd fish Chimera ♂
Ovipositor fish pd Rhodes amarus and Careproctus ♀
- Tenaculum (sort of clasper who are top of the head pd) pd fish Chimera ♂
Ovipositor fish pd Rhodes amarus and Careproctus ♀
Basically a secondary sexual trait can be divided into two, namely:
a) secondary sexual nature are temporary, just show up at the time of spawning season only. For example, "ovipositor", fish Rhodeus amarus is a tool that is used to distribute the eggs to the bivalves, the kind of acne on his head during the spawning season. Many acne with typical arrangement in a particular species can be used to determine the sign of the species, eg fish and Semotilus atromaculatus Nocomis biguttatus males.
b) secondary sexual nature that is permanent or permanent, that this sign remains there before, during and after the spawning season. For example, black dots mark the male fish Amia calva, gonopodium in Gambusia affinis, clasper in group Elasmobranchia fish, color light on fish Lebistes, Beta and reef fish, fish in fish berparasit Photocornycus the females and so on.
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