Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
As with betta fish, fish idly are much in demand and more expensive fish are males, because it has color and fins are long and varied. This fact makes farmers more than happy to keep the fish idly male because it will be more profitable in economic terms. In the market, there are several strains idly with colors and different fins.
The price difference between male and female fish idly to the demands of business that can be done to produce a male fish that many or all of them. The usual way will be described further.
The price difference between male and female fish idly to the demands of business that can be done to produce a male fish that many or all of them. The usual way will be described further.
Description of guppy
Idly fish have high economic value because of its attractive color variations and a variety of fin shapes, easy maintenance and spawning, as well as not affecting the water temperature changes and other kualitar. Currently there are about 30 species of fish idly by patterns of color and shapes fins, which are mostly export commodity.
Of morphological appearance, idly male fish have body shapes and shades of color more attractive and brilliant than the female fish. Idly fish have the ability to multiply quickly so it must be separated in order to avoid marriage at a young age can reduce the quality and quantity of the resulting child.
Idly fish are ovovivipar, namely fertilization occurs in the body, stored and growing embryo inside the mother, the child will be born after about 20 days of pregnancy. Female fish are capable of storing sperm in her body so that from the time of marriage can give birth up to three times the inter-pregnancy interval 7-43 days, with an interval between the birth of children with separation of the female parent of the males ranged from 16-35 days.
Idly fish have high economic value because of its attractive color variations and a variety of fin shapes, easy maintenance and spawning, as well as not affecting the water temperature changes and other kualitar. Currently there are about 30 species of fish idly by patterns of color and shapes fins, which are mostly export commodity.
Of morphological appearance, idly male fish have body shapes and shades of color more attractive and brilliant than the female fish. Idly fish have the ability to multiply quickly so it must be separated in order to avoid marriage at a young age can reduce the quality and quantity of the resulting child.
Idly fish are ovovivipar, namely fertilization occurs in the body, stored and growing embryo inside the mother, the child will be born after about 20 days of pregnancy. Female fish are capable of storing sperm in her body so that from the time of marriage can give birth up to three times the inter-pregnancy interval 7-43 days, with an interval between the birth of children with separation of the female parent of the males ranged from 16-35 days.
Maintenance of Parent
Idly brood fish can be obtained after a 4 month old fish. To equalize the marital future aircraft maintenance is done in a separate container. Food was provided in the form Chironomus larvae (red chu) and Daphnia (water fleas), which is given twice daily. Do water changes 2-3 days of 20-30% container volume maintenance.
Idly brood fish can be obtained after a 4 month old fish. To equalize the marital future aircraft maintenance is done in a separate container. Food was provided in the form Chironomus larvae (red chu) and Daphnia (water fleas), which is given twice daily. Do water changes 2-3 days of 20-30% container volume maintenance.
Idly fish can be bred either in pairs or in bulk by a comparison between male and female parent 1:1. because fish idly mass marriage will not necessarily be all on the first day after the mixed, the mixing time is usually 4-7 days. In general, during the time idly fish are mating so that the female can be separated from the parent males that are not disturbed by the male parent. Married female parent is kept in an aquarium-sized container in a tub cm or aerated.
After two weeks of separation time parent, it can be known that pregnant female parent by seeing a dark area at the rear of the anal fin and a slightly swollen belly. Parent fish were not pregnant were taken and put into a holding container maintenance, while the pregnant mother who left united or incorporated into another container.
Idly fish can be bred either in pairs or in bulk by a comparison between male and female parent 1:1. because fish idly mass marriage will not necessarily be all on the first day after the mixed, the mixing time is usually 4-7 days. In general, during the time idly fish are mating so that the female can be separated from the parent males that are not disturbed by the male parent. Married female parent is kept in an aquarium-sized container in a tub cm or aerated.
After two weeks of separation time parent, it can be known that pregnant female parent by seeing a dark area at the rear of the anal fin and a slightly swollen belly. Parent fish were not pregnant were taken and put into a holding container maintenance, while the pregnant mother who left united or incorporated into another container.
Maintenance and Child Separating guppy
Idly from any number of children born between 50-200 tail with the sex ratio of about 1:1. Idly fry are born separated from the parent in order to avoid competition for food. In addition, in order to stem the get enough food so that pregnancy can produce a child with both the maximum amount.
Newborn fry not need food. After the age of one day, juveniles fed Artemia nauplii or small water fleas. Child maintenance should be in the room idly fish that can be exposed to sunlight for the color brilliantly. Container maintenance fry can be concrete tank or plastic tub large enough that the system is equipped with aeration. Do water changes every two days as much as 20-30% of the volume of container maintenance.
Sex selection can be done after the child one month old fish idly by looking at the secondary sex characteristics such as tail fins are longer, more nice color and anal fins pointed. Most children female fish produced can be sold or disposed of and the rest can be maintained for a further prospective parent.
Idly from any number of children born between 50-200 tail with the sex ratio of about 1:1. Idly fry are born separated from the parent in order to avoid competition for food. In addition, in order to stem the get enough food so that pregnancy can produce a child with both the maximum amount.
Newborn fry not need food. After the age of one day, juveniles fed Artemia nauplii or small water fleas. Child maintenance should be in the room idly fish that can be exposed to sunlight for the color brilliantly. Container maintenance fry can be concrete tank or plastic tub large enough that the system is equipped with aeration. Do water changes every two days as much as 20-30% of the volume of container maintenance.
Sex selection can be done after the child one month old fish idly by looking at the secondary sex characteristics such as tail fins are longer, more nice color and anal fins pointed. Most children female fish produced can be sold or disposed of and the rest can be maintained for a further prospective parent.
How to Generate All Children guppy males
Techniques that can be used to produce all male fish idly is to direct the differentiation of the male genitals using hormones (androgens) such as 17a-methyltestosteron. Because these fish idly childbearing and gender differentiation occurs in the stomach while still inside the mother, then the hormone is made during pregnancy parent. Hormone dose given was 2 mg / l of water immersion to 24 hours soaking time. Way of making the same solution as the manufacture of hormones on the hormone solution betta fish, the hormone dissolved first with 70% alcohol and then mixed with water to be used to soak. At every one liter of water that have been given hormones can soak 3 are already pregnant sow, either at first pregnancy and in the second pregnancy. Immersion during first pregnancy after 14 days from the time of separation between male and female parent, while the second was soaking pregnant after 14 days from the time of first birth. During immersion activities, water soaking into the fish remains aerated. Number of children resulting from the treatment are not different or the same with the fish that are not given hormones, and the resulting child can all males (100%).
Techniques that can be used to produce all male fish idly is to direct the differentiation of the male genitals using hormones (androgens) such as 17a-methyltestosteron. Because these fish idly childbearing and gender differentiation occurs in the stomach while still inside the mother, then the hormone is made during pregnancy parent. Hormone dose given was 2 mg / l of water immersion to 24 hours soaking time. Way of making the same solution as the manufacture of hormones on the hormone solution betta fish, the hormone dissolved first with 70% alcohol and then mixed with water to be used to soak. At every one liter of water that have been given hormones can soak 3 are already pregnant sow, either at first pregnancy and in the second pregnancy. Immersion during first pregnancy after 14 days from the time of separation between male and female parent, while the second was soaking pregnant after 14 days from the time of first birth. During immersion activities, water soaking into the fish remains aerated. Number of children resulting from the treatment are not different or the same with the fish that are not given hormones, and the resulting child can all males (100%).
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