HOW Seedling carp

Fish carp is native waters of Indonesia, which has spread to Southeast Asia and China. Is one fish labirinth and taxonomically including family Osphronemidae.

Carp is one commodity that has been developed by the farmers this is because the market demand is high, maintenance is easy and relatively stable prices.


Filum        : Chordata
Kelas       : Actinopterygii
Ordo        : Perciformes
Subordo     : Belontiidae
Famili       : Osphronemidae
Genus       : Osphronemus
Spesies     : Osphronemus gouramy, Lac.

Morphologically, these fish have a lateral line single, complete and uninterrupted, scaly stenoid and has teeth on the lower jaw. Caudal fin rounded. The radius of the first weak pelvic fins are long threads that serve as a tentacle. Height of 2.0 to 2.1 times the standard length. At the young fish are colored vertical stripes of black numbered 8 to 10 pieces and the base of the tail region are round black spot.

3. Seedling

a. Spawning

       Carp can spawn throughout the year, although higher productivity, especially in the dry season. The thing to watch for is the spawning parent stock density, layout nest, egg harvesting and water quality spawning media. Females are characterized from the shape of the head and jaw as well as the presence of black spots on petals fins. Male parent is characterized by a lump in the upper head, a thick lower jaw especially during the spawning season and the absence of black spots on petals pectoral fins. While the female parent is characterized by the flat top of head, lower jaw and a thin black spots on the petals of the pectoral fins.

Stocking density tail stem is 1/5 m2 with the ratio of male: female was 1:3-4. Parent in the spawning pond stocking can be done in pairs (as a comparison) in an insulated or communally (one pool filled several couples). Parent female can produce up to 1500 eggs 2500 eggs / kg parent.

Nests placed 1-2 m from the nest material to a depth of 10 -15 cm from the surface of the water. Nest mounted horizontally parallel to the surface of the water and facing the direction of the nest material.

 Place nest material placed on the surface of the water can be rough woven from bamboo or other materials arranged in such a way that the parent fish easily take coconut fiber / palm fiber to make nests. Nesting may take 1 to 2 weeks depending on the condition of the parent and its environment.

Examination nest already containing eggs can be done by touching and shaking the nest slowly or by using a stick nest piercing / wire and swing. Nest already containing eggs marked with oil / egg from the nest to the water surface.

Nest already containing eggs removed. Eggs from nests separated by open nest carefully. Because it contains oil, eggs will float on the water surface. Good egg while the egg is yellow translucent yellow turbid separated and discarded because such eggs will not hatch. Resulting oil can be reduced by using fabric absorbed.

Good quality spawning media is the temperature of 25-30 ° C, pH value 6,5 - 8,0, the rate of 10-15% water changes per day and the pool water level 40-60 cm.

b. hatching Eggs
4 egg stocking density up to 5 butir/cm2 with water height 15-20 cm. Density per unit surface area is calculated according to the nature of the egg container that floats. To maintain the dissolved oxygen content, in the hatching medium aeration needs to be added, but must be kept small so that the eggs are not stirred. Water quality is good hatching media is the temperature 29-30 ° C, pH 6.7 to 8.6 and sourced from groundwater. When the source of water containing high carbon dioxide, low pH values ​​or contain metal (eg iron), preferably water deposited during the first 24 hours. The eggs will hatch after 36-48 hours.

c. larvae maintenance

After the eggs hatch, the larvae can be maintained in a funnel hatch / basin until the age of 6 days and then transferred to the aquarium. When hatching is done in an aquarium, the transfer of the larvae do not need to be done. During larval rearing, replacement water only needs to be done to get rid of the oil when the oil is generated when the hatch is quite a lot. Meanwhile, when the larvae are fed, replacement of water can be adjusted to the conditions of the water when it is a lot of dirt from the rest of the feed and "Faeces".

Larvae in the aquarium maintenance is done with stocking density 15-20 tails / liter. Feed was started when larvae from 5 to 6 days with a worm Tubifex, Artemia, Moina or Daphnia are adapted to the fish's mouth openings. Water quality should be maintained at the temperature of 29-30 ° C, pH value 6,5 - 8,0 and water level 15-20 cm.

d. Nursery I, II, III, IV and V

Maintenance seed at nursery I through V can be done in an aquarium or pond. Performed in the same aquarium as pemelihaaran larvae but needs thinning. While in the pool needs to be done preparatory activities include pond bottom soil cultivation, drying, liming, fertilizing, filling water and pond water conditioning. Tillage bottom of the pool can be piracy, and repair dikes peneplokan pool. Drying is carried out for 2-5 days (depending on weather).

Maintenance levels Carp Fish Production
Standard Unit  


1    Scatter solid ekor/m2 100 80 60 45 30

2    Seed size Cm 1.00 2.0 4 6 8

3    BB Feed% 20 20 10 5 4

Times / day 2 2 3 3 3

4    Maintenance time Day 20 30 40 40 40

5    Survival rate% 60 60 70 80 80

e. disease

When attacked by unidentified fish parasite treatment can be done by administering saline 500 - 1000 mg / l by soaking for 24 hours. Whereas when attacked by unidentified bacterial treatment can be done by administering oxytetracycline at a dose of 5 -10 mg / l by soaking for 24 hours.


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