
Saturday, July 27, 2013


According Khordi (2009) as we know that pests are usually not as severe as fish disease. Pests are usually larger than the prey fish and nature. In the Sumatran fish farming (Puntius tetrazona), the possibility of a much more experienced pest on nursery business or cause enlargement of both the business conducted in the open.

The types of pests that can invade Sumatran fish (Puntius tetrazona) is linsang (sero), monitor lizards, wild snakes, turtles and birds. The most effective way to eradicate is mechanically or kill instantly if pests are found in the location of cultivation. Another way to do is to set a trap, especially for certain pests or by placing bait that has been poisoned. The best prevention is to clean the area safe perkolaman of grass or shrubs that can be pests. In addition, the entire area perkolaman localize with fences or concrete walls so that pests can not get into the location of the Sumatran fish farming (Puntius tetrazona)

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