Tips on Choosing a Koi Feed
Good body posture and color brilliance koi greatly influenced by the quality of the feed. Nutrient content must be balanced and free of toxic chemicals.
Koi fish food is very much its brand and price also varies. Current feed koi residing in Indonesia is still dominated by foreign products. So, do not be surprised if the price is so expensive.
Given the high cost, so do not be disappointed when you have to carefully choose. Do not be fooled by the brand or wrap. Consider the composition of nutrients listed on the packaging, physical properties, specifications, and packaging conditions.
Good body posture and color brilliance koi greatly influenced by the quality of the feed. Nutrient content must be balanced and free of toxic chemicals.
Koi fish food is very much its brand and price also varies. Current feed koi residing in Indonesia is still dominated by foreign products. So, do not be surprised if the price is so expensive.
Given the high cost, so do not be disappointed when you have to carefully choose. Do not be fooled by the brand or wrap. Consider the composition of nutrients listed on the packaging, physical properties, specifications, and packaging conditions.
Free of harmful substances
According to Budi Widjaja research and development staff Koi Lovers Association of Indonesia (APKI) koi perishable food actually has a low content of preservatives. Such feed is generally wrapped in airtight containers. The goal is that the bacteria is not easily contaminated. In addition it contains a lot of feed preservatives generally appears shiny. When you look at the feed surface there is a layer that resembles wax.
Other harmful substances to watch out for the dye. Feed hyper color is not necessarily red. You should not worry too much feed presenting a hyper color. For if koi consume too much beta carotene and axasantin could experience liver damage.
Good feed does not cause turbidity in the pond water. Artificial feed usually contains many dye materials will result in a pool of water so murky. It should be considered when selecting the feed, fish feed should be preferred. Adjust the size of the grain size with koi pellets that you keep. Because koi are reluctant to eat the food you give if the size is too big.
Choose the form of food that float (floating food). Generally koi prefers menganyang floating feed. Moreover thanks to the feed you more easily perform controls of feed koi needs. For if there is leftover food floating koi pond is full marks.
Nutrient laden
In addition to be free from harmful substances, feed koi should also loaded with nutrition. "We should not be dependent on one brand of feed. Because some types of feed may not meet the nutritional requirements needed Koi ", said Budi when found in a preparatory meeting in 2005 in exchange koi Cibinong Riser. Nutrient content can only be met with the various brands of feed koi mengoplos. Such as Hockey, Nozomi, and Hikari.
In order to fit the composition of the mixture, you should know the specifications of feed koi. In the market there are two types of feed koi specifications. Which serves to feed the "painted" koi body that shine and useful feed for enlargement. Choose a feed koi classification enlargement which has a low fat content (low fat) but has a lot of protein content.
In addition to artificial feed, you can also give a natural menu. In this way koi nutritional needs can be met. Natural food contain lots of fiber. While the fiber content in the diet was very little artificial. Fibre is needed to aid digestion koi. Various types of natural food that you can suguhkan to the koi watercress, oranges, tomatoes, worms, silkworm cocoons, moss and shrimp. Dining is quite natural given once a week.
Quality artificial feed normally when exposed to water will float and rupture. Pellets as this does not harm the fish digestive, because the pellets are more digestible when compared with hard pellets broke. As a result, nutrient content in the pellets is also easy to break easily absorbed by fish digestion.
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