
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fish Botia India

Botia fish family Cobitidae India entered into with entities similar to a jet plane, with the mouth slightly bent downward. Compress the body with lots of black lines cut transversely body. The length of these fish can reach 10 cm. Has a tentacle tip of mouth to stir the bottom in search of food. Fish of the genus Botia nocturnalatau generally are active at night. Botia live in bottom waters and like to hide in their dens.

Needed for maintenance in the aquarium smooth sandy bottom with rocks and vegetation are sufficiently protective. Botia relatively peaceable fish in an aquarium that can be mixed with other fish. Good water quality for maintenance Botia india is at a temperature of 26-30 0C and pH 6.0-7.0.

Parent measuring 7-10 cm Botia India which has been maintained for 9 months of size 1.5 inches. Parent maintained in an aquarium-sized with a height of 35 cm water. Each parent in a aquariums totaling 17 tails, between male and female parent is placed in an aquarium. Aquarium is equipped with a 3-inch diameter PVC pipe as a hiding place Botia. The feed is given three times a day ad libitum from 08.00, 12:00, and the afternoon at 17.00. The feed is red chu (Chironomussp), while giving the silk worms carried as a spare afternoon meal at night.

Spawning is done in the aquarium size ketinggia cm with 35 cm of water. Before spawning holding elections. Holding elections conducted in the morning with the aim of parent obtained a really mature gonads. Parent fasted beforehand to avoid mistakes in the selection, especially for the female parent. In addition to selecting another purpose which is to separate the male with the female parent. Differences in male and female can be seen from the size and shape of the body, for the male of the same age have a smaller size and a slender abdomen is not widened, the female body is greater in the same age and wider abdomen.

Botia india including dipijakan fish that can not be done naturally so the stimulation of ovulation, one way of injecting. After the selection of the parent accommodated in a separate bucket and aerated. Prior to injection, the parent weighed to determine the doses to be used. Weighed before the parent, the parent anesthetized with clove oil doses of 1 ppm.

Injections done twice, the first injection is done in the afternoon at around 17:00 pm while the second injection performed at 4 hours after the first injection. The hormones used are ovaprim injecting a dose of 0.5 ml / kg parent. Before returning stem injected anesthetic to facilitate the injection. Intra-muscular injections made at the back of the parent with an angle of 45 0

After injecting stem spawning in an aquarium stocked with a ratio of male: female was 3 : 1 . Spawning takes place naturally , meaning that after an injection of stem left without striping done . Spawning takes place , usually occurs 4-6 hours after the second injection . Spawning , stem removed and transferred to a holding aquarium maintenance , while the eggs are left in the spawning aquarium . Properties india Botia egg is floating in the water column and instantly swell upon contact with water . The fertilized egg is transparent to the core which is also transparent . While the eggs are not fertilized white turbid . At a temperature of 26-27 0C eggs will hatch after 15-17 hours .
Larvae reared in spawning aquarium , it is dsilakukan to reduce the risk of death in larvae . Newly hatched larvae measuring about 2 mm , transparent , hovering dikolom move with the flow of water and air . Fed larvae began at the age of 2 days with a suspension that has been boiled egg yolk . Giving is done by squeezing the egg yolk with fine fibrous cloth . Giving yolk do too much because it will cause the water to become cloudy and ammonia content increased . Once the larvae aged 5 or 1 week , giving the yolk can be mixed with Artemia . Giving yolk is suspended if the larvae can actually eat Artemia . To know the exact time in the provision of Artemia as seen from the yolk when the larvae have been stuck in the wall aquarium , the larvae are ready to eat Artemia . At the age of two weeks the larvae are able to be given silk worm chopped . At the beginning of the silk worms are still mixed with Artemia , until the larvae can actually eat silk worms . One week later the seeds are enumerated in addition to silk worms silk worms are also given which are not enumerated .

Water quality management was first performed by menyiphon bottom of the aquarium . Penyiphonan was first performed at the age of larvae one week . The water coming out of the hose siphon filtered to avoid the escape of larvae sucked at the time penyiphonan participate . For the next three days penyiphonan done atu depending on the condition of maintenance media . Water is wasted when peyifonan replaced with new water that has collected in the reservoir .
Pendedera Botia fish usually accompanied by thinning which aims to accelerate growth and produce seed ready for sale measuring 1.5 inches . Thinning is done by sorting fish by size of fish of the same size and then placed in an aquarium with a density of 1 cm sized tail / liter . This activity was first performed at 20 days old seedlings . Seeds are sorted according to two sizes large and small about 1.5 cm less than 1 cm . After thinning the seedlings nurtured and fed three times a day to the full . The feed is in the form of silk worms . So the fish are more comfortable then the bottom of the aquarium laid the pipe size 3/4 inches as a hiding place . Maintenance is done to fish measuring 1.5 inches .


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