
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How eel Fish Farming

How eel Fish Farming

Fish eel ( Anguilla bicolor ) , including familiAnguillidae , Apodes order . Indonesia's estimated there are at least five (5) types of eel fish , namely : Anguilla encentralis , A. bicolor bicolor , A. borneonsis , A. Pacifica bicolor , and A. celebensis . Eels fish may not be known by many people here . But , in many countries eel so food was very expensive prima donna .Eel export demand continues to increase . Selling price is also astounding . Unfortunately , nursery and rearing techniques are the key to quality eel produces and exports worth not much mastered .Eel is a type of eel , but the shape is longer and larger . There are at least 50 cm . It is not a pretty sight . But who would have thought , foreign consumers consider taste delicious eel and has a high nutrient content . If in a Japanese restaurant , it 's called Unagi fish .The content of vitamin A IU/100 reach 4,700 grams , while the eel liver higher , yaitu15.000 IU/100 grams . Higher vitamin A content of butter which only reached 1,900 IU/100 grams . Even the DHA content of 1337 mg/100 g eel beat salmon while only 820 mg/100 mg/100 grams or 748 grams of mackerel . While the EPA content eel reached 742 mg/100 grams , well above the salmon which only 492 mg/100 g and 409 mg/100 mackerel grams only .Cultivation technology is still new in Indonesia . Eel aquaculture in Indonesia recently discovered around 2007 by Pond Scout Unit Karachi , which is the DG Fisheries Aquaculture , Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries . Though long enough eels cultivated in Japan and Thailand . Just so you know , the development of the cultivation of the two countries using seeds from Indonesia . "Looking at the world market demand for very large encourage us to conduct research eel aquaculture , "

 Eels fish grown in freshwater ( rivers and lakes ) to reach adulthood , after the adult eel migratory fish in the sea to reproduce . Larvae spawning results will evolve , and gradually drifted into coastal waters . Eels fish that have reached stadia Elver ( glass eel ) will be straddling from freshwater to marine waters through the river mouth .Fish prices are very tempting . Farmers in the price level for Elver eels with selling price between Rp . 250.000/kg . For the size of the 10-20 grams range from Rp 20,000 to Rp 40.000/kg , while the size of the consumption of > 500 grams for the type of Anguilla bicolor on the local market average USD 75.000/kg ; types Anguilla marmorata Rp 125,000 - Rp 175.000/kg .Eel larvae ( Elver ) associated with the season . Fish larvae estimated discharge starts at the beginning of the rainy season , but in the summer river flows and state factors affect the intensity ruayanya months .Eels are carnivorous fish , including fish . The fish in public waters eel eating different kinds of animals , especially benthic organisms such as crustaceans ( shrimp and crab ) , polichatea ( worms , Chironomus larvae and bivalve mollusks and gastropods ) . Fish feeding activity generally discharge at night ( nocturnal ) .Eel fishing has been intensively cultivated in Europe , especially in Norway , Germany and the Netherlands as well as Asia , namely Japan , Taiwan and mainland China . In other countries such as Australia , Indonesia and some European countries and West Africa generally still rely eel fish production of the catch in the wild .. Eels fish can be cultivated in a closed room ( indoor ) and outdoor (outdoor ) . In Indonesia, the ambient temperature is relatively constant throughout the year the fish eel maintenance can be done outdoors ( out door ) .Practically eel fish can be cultivated in a bamboo -walled ground pool , concrete pool ( concrete tank ) , pens and floating cages pharynx . Whatever type of container used in fish farming eels that hamus considered is how to prevent the escape of fish from aquaculture media .

Water Environment Good for Fish Farming eel 

a. Temperature.
On the maintenance of local eel fish seed, A. bicolor bicolor, best to spur the growth temperature is 29 ° C.
b. Salinity.
On the maintenance of local eel fish.,, A. bicolor bicolor (Elver), salinity which can deliver good growth was 6-7 ppt.
c. Dissolved Oxygen.
Minimum oxygen content that can be tolerated by fish eel ranged from 0.5 to 2.5 ppm.
d. pH.
The optimal pH for growth of eel fish is 7-8.
e. Ammonia (N H3-N) and nitrite (NO2-N)
At a concentration of 20 ppm ammonia discharge most fish are kept experiencing methemoglobinemie and the concentration of 30-40 ppm entire experience methemoglobinemie eel fish.

Nutrient Requirements 

As with other types of fish, eel fish need nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Optimal feed protein content is 45% to bestir fish (juvenile) and about 50% for small fish (fingerling).

At discharge Aquaculture Floating Net  

a. Floating Net .The unit has four pool cages measuring 7 x 7 m , with mesh size of 7 x 7 x 2.5 m and 2.5 -inch mesh . To avoid the escape of fish , around the edges of an upper lid of hapa with a width of 60 cm .b . Fish seed eel .Fish seed eel ( Anguilla bicolor ) weighing 15-20 grams per fish with a length of 20-30 cm .. Fish seed obtained from Pelabuhan Ratu eel catches are landed in open waters .c . Spreading solid .Each pond was stocked 100 kg of seed eel fish .d . Feed .The feed is artificial feed -shaped pasta with contents :| Protein 47.93 %| Fat 10.03 %| Seratkasar 8.00 %| BETN 8.32%| Abu 25.71 %Feed given as much as 3 % of the total weight of fish feed Convention by 1.96 . With the convention will be obtained perturnbuhan average rate of ` 1.46 % to 9.64 % mortality .e . Maintenance and Future Harvest .Maintenance on an eel fish floating net cages for 7-8 months , and future . harvest can gradually begin at 4 month maintenance period . The size of the eel fish , harvested can - reach sizes . consumption is 180-200 grams per head .Maintenance eel fish in floating cages pool is one of the alternatives in order to diversify fish farming in ponds floating net cages . However, the application still need to be considered general water quality conditions and used . 

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