Spotted Headstander ( Chilodus punctatus )

Spotted Headstander (Chilodus punctatus) fish is called fishing headstander because his head is always down. Fish headstander included into the family alestidae. Her body was filled with brown splotches. Body length up to 3.5 cm.
Morphological differences between males and females is difficult to see because there is no difference its morphological characteristics. Few differences lies in the female body that looks more bloated when ripe gonads. These fish begin to mature gonads at the age of 4 months.

spawningSpawning headstander performed in a given aeration tank. Spawning takes place in bulk and constantly with the number of males and females as two tails three tails each aquarium. Fiber is inserted into the aquarium spawning rope tied with weights and placed at the bottom of the aquarium as a medium egg laying. If the interval of two weeks of no parent that spawn, then the parent is separated for about 1 week for the maturation of the gonads.

Control eggs done up to five times a day because the egg is not released all at once. Egg retrieval done by menyiphonnya. The remains of the eggs are put into the aquarium hatching. Penyiponan leftover food and feces done every day and as much as 30% water changes every other day. Food for the parent in the form of worms board, and fresh or frozen red chu.

Hatching Eggs

Hatching aquarium measuring 30x30x20 cm were used. Prior to use, the aquarium is first cleaned. Water used for hatching eggs prepared two days before being installed. To prevent fungal attack, into the aquarium hatching added Methylene Blue as much as 1 mg / l of water. If the room is too bright, the hatching container covered with black plastic to reduce light intensity. Incubation of the eggs carried subs 4-5 days.

Nursery and Enlargement

The day after hatching, the larvae moved to cm sized nursery aquarium filled with water as high as 25 cm. After 3 days old larvae, fed Artemia naupli with feeding frequency 2-3 times a day. Penyiponan food debris and dirt do every day. 20-30% water changes done after 10 days-old fish.

After the age of 1 month, thinning density of any aquarium fish with approximately 100 individuals. Arranged uniformly sized fish in the aquarium. If the seed has reached the size of 1 inch, the food given in the form of athlete's foot and hair worms. Do water changes of 20-30% every day.

Enlargement of activities carried out in concrete tank or tank fiber volume of 1 m3. Inside each tub filled with fish tails as much as 500-1000. The feed is in the form of athlete's foot and hair worms. Substitution of water remain to be done every day as much as 20-30%. Usually headstander fish will be sold after the age of 4 months.



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