Fish Belida

Originally from Borneo. Habitat in rivers and areas that are often flooded. In low-lying areas of no more than 30 m above sea level. Deployment in Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. Is a freshwater fish that are predators and nocturnal (active at night). During the day usually hide among plants. Children's food in the form of fish and shrimp. Quite often larger prey. Fish belida manly duty to make a nest made ​​of twigs and leaves, as well as keep the eggs and their children. Belida fish can breathe air from the atmosphere.
Fish belida, Lopis, or flat is a river fish species belonging to the tribe Notopteridae (fish backed blade). This species can be found in Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and the Malay peninsula, though now it is hard to catch because of damage to the quality of the river and catching. This fish is a raw material for the kind of typical of Palembang crackers known as Kemplang. Once Lopis also used to manufacture pempek but now replaced by mackerel. The interface also makes it unique in the aquarium kept as ornamental fish.

Because many like it, fish is gradually reduced in number. Even manufacturing pempek now replaced by mackerel If not cultivated, it could be fish belida but name. Though this fish is a unique wildlife of South Sumatra province because once mostly found in the river Musi. Because of the potential economic and endangered species, research institutions tried to make the cultivation technology. By 2005, Hall Bath cultivation Freshwater Wind, in South Kalimantan have been trying to cultivate, and increase fish seed menangkarkan belida.


 Belida fish is a fish is classified as ancient fish because of the unusual shape. If the fish generally have a tail fin on the back of his body, the Fish belida only have a tail waving in unison with the movement of his lower body. Head a little bent shape also makes this unique fish. Peculiarities of fish is also located in his eyes that seemed empty as her eyes light displays tend to be reflective and forth from the light source in the vicinity.On the side there is a white circle black balls, each surrounded by a white circle. With increasing age the body decoration belida fish will go away and be replaced by black lines.  

The interface also makes it unique in the aquarium kept as ornamental fish. Belida female belly fins are relatively short and do not cover the urogenital, genital round. When lust (mature gonads) abdomen enlarged and reddened genitals. Males have longer pelvic fin and cover the urogenital, genital-shaped tube, smaller size than females. 
A female produces an average of 288 eggs, although it can produce almost twice that amount. Degrees range from 30-100% fertilization. Hatching and survival rate of 72.2% (survival rate) larvae was 64.2%. The larvae hatch approximately 72-120 hours (3-5 days) at a water temperature 29-30 º C. Belida more active at night, and from the response to food in the afternoon. This animal is like the dark part of the river, usually live at depths beneath the trees. 
Do you know if belida is also the name of one of the tributaries of the Musi River in South Sumatra Province. Overall the Musi River tributary that had nine known as Batang Nine. Batanghari itself means the river. Name the nine tributaries also be the name of the tribe for the people who live around the river, so the natives living around the river Belida also called Spare Belida, they also referred to the language language Belida. Where they lived stretched from the banks of the Musi River to the town Prabumulih. In river fish that are found later called belida fish.


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