The guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

Guppy Fish - Gupi, a thousand fish, fish cere, or suwadakar (Poecilia reticulata), is a species of freshwater fish are the most popular in the world. Due to easy adapt and reproduce, in many places in Indonesia this fish has been a wild fish that meets the trenches and ditches. In the ornamental fish trade, also known as the guppy or millionfish [1], in different regions of the fish is also known by various local names such as GEPI (btw.), bungkreung (Sd.), cethul or cithul (Jw.), klataw (BJN) , and others.

Guppy / Gupi originally lived in brackish water marsh. These fish reproduce by spawning a manner that litter its quite easy. The male parent has the bright colors, the slender body, dorsal fin that is longer, has gondopodium (a bulge in the back of the elongated pelvic fin) which is a modified form of anal fin long fin. For breeding females have body fat, less bright colors, small dorsal fin, pelvic fin fin subtle form.In addition to color, the basic form of guppy fish also varied.  

Guppy tail shapes are divided by wide tail (tail width), sword tail (long tail), and a short tail (short tail). Each variety has four kinds of birds. Latest varieties namely Ribbon / Swallow. It is a new variety from various crosses causing gene mutations are the result of cross breeding of different types of fish.PemerianGupi is a member of a small tribe poecilidae.  

Adult males and females are easily distinguished both in the size and shape of her body, as well as its color (sexual dimorphism). The total length of the female body between 4-6 cm, while males are smaller, about 2 ½ -3 ½ cm. The males have brilliant colors and vary greatly, especially in fish hybrid. Gupi wild fish colors are simple, though still colorful males with two black spots like the eyes on the side of the body: the one below the dorsal fin and the other in the anal fin. Gupi fat-bodied females with wild tawny color and composition scales that form a net-like pattern (pattern reticulata = net or nets), and a white belly.Ecology and Reproduction

 Gupi is very peridi fish. The gestation period of these fish ranged from 21-30 days (average 28 days) depending on the water temperature. The water temperature most suitable for breeding is approximately 27 ° C (72 ° F).Instead of laying eggs, fish gupi conceive and bear children (livebearers). Once the female is fertilized, the dark area around the anus, known as 'pregnancy spotting' (gravid spot) will expand and darken the color.  

Toward the moment of birth, eye spots the kids fish can be seen from the thin skin of the belly parent, and dreamy. A mother can give birth gupi fry (young fish) between 2-100 tails at each birth, but mostly between 5-30 tail only. A few hours after birth, parent gupi ready to be fertilized again.Once out of the belly parent, children gupi have been able to live alone. Swim, find food, and avoid enemies. Gupi children generally will continue to join the group, and the other fish are bigger. However gupi an adult would not hesitate to prey on fry are much smaller; therefore, if kept in aquariums, fish kids need to be separated from adult fish. Fry-fry it, if saved, will reach maturity at the age of one or two months.  

That is why this fish could soon double the number of members of the group, so it is also called a thousand fish.The anal fin in the male fish has been changed into gonopodium, which serves to eject sperm will enter the body of the female. Gupi females to have the ability to store sperm, so it can get pregnant over and over again with only one mating.Another key success factor is the ability to adapt to the various conditions of living waters, with a diverse variety of food. Analysis of the stomach contents gupi who live in Lake Buyan, Bali, indicating that these fish primarily eat zooplankton are abundant there. While living gupi and Batur Lake Bratan rely mostly organic ingredients at the bottom of the lake. Gupi even can live in waters with high salinity (salt water), up to 150% normal salinity of sea water.


Suwadakar is a fish native Central and South America, spread in Kep. Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Netherlands Antilles, Kep. Virgin, Brazil, and Venezuela. Via trade and others, these fish have been taken to various places in the world on all continents except Antarctica, and then wilder in free waters.

Gupi put Indonesia as the fish aquarium at around 1920, but was later released or released into the free waters. Apparently the fish was originally expected to eradicate mosquito larvae in nature to control malaria, but to no avail. Gupi fish in an aquarium can reach a length of 60 mm, but in nature most only grow to about 35 mm only, and this measure is too small to prey on mosquito larvae.

Because of his personality, gupi quickly multiply and penetrated various free waters. In 1929 it was noted that the fish can be found in nearly every pond and ditch in West Java. Now this fish has extended to various places in the archipelago, and may have become the most abundant fish in Java and Bali.

The small fish was originally discovered by Robert John Lechmere Guppy in Trinidad in 1866. Albert C.L.G. Gunther later that year, was named as the fish Girardinus guppii in honor of the inventor. But apparently this fish be described first legal name Poecilia reticulata by Wilhelm Peters in 1859, so the name Girardinus guppii only get status as synonyms (Synonym junior). However, the common name gupi (Guppy) for these fish was already famous and used everywhere.

Close Relatives

Thousand fish closely related to fish moli (Poecilia latipinna, black fish moli (Poecilia sphenops, sword tail fish, (Xiphophorus hellen), as well as platis fish (Xiphophorus maculatus).
Gupi can mate with several types moli cross as P. latipinna and P. velifera, namely gupi moli males with females. However, the child of a cross is always male and tend to be barren. While crossing the Poecilia Wingei can produce fertile children.


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