Trigger Fish (Triggerfish)

Trigger fish are predatory fish that are prevalent in maintain the aquarium, these fish can be said to fish from predator class that is rated to maintain for Aquaris, especially trigger flower. Generally the type of trigger fish are fish abundant in marine waters of Indonesia, it is not uncommon in the nets of fishermen find Trigger pole or hook, the better known among fishermen as the fish rhombus.
Fish are the enemy of the fishermen, because the fish has gigi2 flair, which often decides the fishing line or rip the nets of fishermen. This fish is also known enemy divers weight, because the fish will be defending this area from any alien who swam up to the nest, the nature of these fish are pretty brutal and ferocious, never be afraid to attack his opponent despite the much larger size. 
Called rhombus fish because this fish is generally shaped like a rhombus and the other a bit like a triangle. Although classified as wild fish, but this species is generally not difficult to survive in the aquarium, this species of fish belonging to eat any food, as long as the feed is presented is a feed for carnivorous groups, these fish have a very keen sense of smell, in spite of the aquarium lights off and dark room, the fish is able to find a piece of fresh shrimp we Throw into the aquarium. 
If the fish had been maintained long enough, even the fish can eat chunks - chunks of fresh shrimp from our own hands, just must be extra careful - careful to do so, because the teeth - the teeth sharp and ready to rip our own hands if we are careless. This fish is a favorite of Aquaris because the fish is in the class of non-toxic fish, as we know, some fish have toxic properties neutroxic can directly threaten anyone who holds it. 
The fish is actually quite active fish on day and night, the fish in this group usually play - play at noon, and hunt at night. tips for those of you who are interested in maintaining this fish, make a slit and a cave - the cave for shelter small fish - fish that are smaller, because when night comes, the fish could threaten the lives of comrades - the other fella smaller. 
The beauty of these fish are usually in addition to the unique shape, also of colors - beautiful colors, are generally trigger group has a beautiful mix of colors, such as fireworks trigger, trigger sun, triger lyrical etc.. To group these fish, I prefer the sun trigger types, because in my experience maintaining species trigger, trigger the sun are the most hospitable and knows no fear to his master.

Trigger Fish Flowers

Beautiful fish that has the Latin name Balistoides Conspicillum in Indonesia known as the Flower Trigger name. This is because the pattern and the color pattern is similar to the style and color of a flower. Whereas Westerners prefer to call it by the name of Clown Triggerfish or Big Spotted Trigger. 
Almost all of the naming of the fish refers to the pattern of his body that was quite interesting. Some ornamental fish hobbyists do not even hesitate calling this fish as the fish are spectacular. Trigger Fireworks does have a style that is spectacular. At the start of her abdomen to spread virtually throughout the body is covered by the patterns of large white dots with black base.
While his back can be found patches of black stripes with a yellow base that seemed to have firm boundaries with a common archetype fish.
Trigger fish's mouth Fireworks lit yellow and bordered with black and white vertical lines before eventually blend with the background color. A "graffiti" look yellow or white "scratch down" his piercing eyes.Other than that it was on the tail are black and white vertical lines with line width proportional. At the end of the tail was found in white or thin yellow when it is fully developed, it seems to suggest the charm of her beauty. 
While at the base of the tail there is another form with a different style. And on his back looks a sturdy hard spines disiripnya perch. It is a weapon to frighten his enemies. Trigger Fish Flowers spread from West Africa to Durban, and from South Africa to Indonesia and then to Samoa, Japan, to the New Kaledonea.Flower Trigger fish live in waters associated with coral reefs at depths of 1 to 75 meters. The food is primarily sea urchins, crabs, crustaceans and mollusks. In nature this Flower Trigger fish can grow up to 50 cm long. While the aquarium, which rarely can reach lengths of 50 cm.


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