Borneo Sucker

Borneo Sucker - Indonesia has abundant natural resources, which is why there is a wide range of diversity of animals, one of which ornamental fish. There are various kinds of ornamental fish with a variety of uniqueness in Indonesia. The ornamental fish is usually maintained to keep the aquarium or pond, because these fish are eating moss stuck on the glass or the pool wall.
Borneo Sucker (brooms violin) is the ornamental fish native to Indonesia. As the name implies, this fish came from the island of Borneo. Fish can be found in watery rivulets rushing, with environmental conditions; PH 6.5, temperature 20-24 degrees Celsius and hardness (GH) 5. Right on the river cascade, Banjarmasin for example, fish is often seen, especially at the end of the dry season.

Borneo sucker have adapted to life in rain water. In such environment evolution Borneo sucker to form a sort of "vacuum" in the belly and fins. Thus, these fish can attach itself securely to the local rocks without fear washed away.
At first glance these fish like brooms fish (sucker mouth), though not classified as Borneo sucker catfish, as well as brooms, but included in the family Balitoridae. His care as ornamental fish, borneo sucker require water that has a high oxygen levels in their habitat because she used to live on the river with water flowing pretty heavy.

The average size of 5cm Borneo sucker is rarely found more than 6cm in length. However, there are some reports that this fish can reach lengths of 10cm. Borneo sucker classified as very active, so if you find yourself dwelling fish (especially at the time of purchase) there is a possibility the fish is "not right".

In nature, Borneo sucker eat algea (moss) that grows on the rocks for food. Therefore, these fish often do not fit in the new aquarium maintained. In order to keep well DAPT and sustainable should be prepared aquarium with rocks that have moss.

Borneo sucker up to a certain stage to accept other types of feed. There is a perception these fish tend to be carnivores, as alleged in the wild these fish larvae also consume small insects and crustaceans. Therefore, Borneo sucker can receive the feed in the form of pellets, flake, shrimp pellets, live food or feed frozen bloodworm and brine especially. However for long-term maintenance or breeding purposes, feeding the algae is highly recommended.

Given Borneo sucker fish from a fast-flowing river, then the aquarium with the current setup made ​​highly recommended. Artificial stream can be created by modifying the output of the pump head in such a way that will produce sufficient current.

Sex determination in Borneo sucker relatively difficult. Generally it can be mentioned the size of males slightly larger than females. Muzzle males tend to be more "square" than females snout is more "rounded". In the male fish were found two bulge "nose" on each side of the snout. This bulge will look increasingly evident during mating. Manly colors brighter. By the time mating the male fish will generally create a nest is active, that is by digging gravel or sand by using active tail.


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