
Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a freshwater fish that is worth economically important and widespread in Indonesia. Systematics and Morphology In Indonesia, carp have several titles of the carp, kancra, tikeu, tombro, king, rayo, ameh or other names according to the endemic area.

Fisheries expert Dr. A.L Buschkiel in RO. Ardiwinata (1981) classify the type of carp into two categories: first, the types of normal scaly carp and secondly, the type that has a size sisrip kumpai elongated. The first class of the normal scaly grouped into two groups ie first regular scaly carp and second, small scaly.

While Djoko Suseno (2000) argued, based on their function, carp races that exist in Indonesia can be classified into two groups. The first group are the races of fish consumption and the second group is those races ornamental fish.

Carp as a food fish were divided into two groups, namely race full scaly carp and carp race a little flaky. Racial group full scaly carp are carp races who have normal scales, arranged regularly and covering the entire body. Ras carp are included in this group are Majalaya carp, carp Punten, the mistress carp and red carp or goldfish. While belonging to the race was a little scaly carp carp glass by farmers in Tabanan carp commonly called by the name of the elephant. For ornamental carp racial groups, some of which are carp kumpay, glass, red goldfish and koi.

Morphologically, carp have a body shape somewhat elongated and flattened upright. The mouth is located at the center and can be highlighted. The anterior part of the mouth, there are two pairs of barbels short size. In general, most of the body is covered carp scales and only a small fraction whose body was not covered in scales. Scales relatively large carp and classified the types of scales cycloid green, blue, red, golden yellow or a combination of these colors according to their race.
History of Progress in Indonesia

According to Djoko Suseno (2000), Indonesia's first carp from mainland Europe and China which later evolved into fish farming is very important.

Meanwhile, according to Ardiwinata RO, (1981) growing carp in Indonesia allegedly originally came from southern China. Mentioned, aquaculture carp known to have developed in the area Galuh (Ciamis) West Java in the mid-19th century. Local people have mentioned using Kakaban - adhesion substrate for carp eggs are made ​​of fibers - in 1860, so the cultivation of carp in the pond has grown Galuh inferred decades earlier.

While the spread of carp in other Java, noted occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, especially after the Bureau of Fisheries Army was formed from the "Ministry of Agriculture" (Prosperity) time.

From Java, carp were then developed to Bukittinggi (West Sumatra) in 1892. Next developed Tondano (Minahasa, North Sulawesi) in 1895, the area of ​​South Bali (Tabanan) 1903, Ende (Flores, NTT) in 1932 and South Sulawesi in 1935. In addition, in 1927 at the request of the Bureau of Fisheries Army then also bring carp species from the Netherlands, which is kind of Galician (carp elephant) and then again in 1930 imported carp Frankisia type (glass carp). According to Djoko Suseno (2000), both types of carp are extremely popular with farmers because the meat taste more delicious, dense, prickly little and growing faster than local races that have been developed in Indonesia before.

In 1974, as proposed Djoko Suseno (2000), Indonesia imported carp Taiwan race, the German race and racial fancy carp each from Taiwan, Germany and Japan. Around the year 1977 Indonesia imported carp Yamato race and race koi from Japan. These races are imported carp in its development proved difficult because of its purity guarded blend carp races existing in Indonesia before that happens crossing and forming new races.
Terms and Habits of Life

Goldfish live like this place (habitat) in fresh waters where the water is not too deep and the flow is not too heavy, such as a river or a lake on the outskirts. Goldfish can live well in areas with an altitude of 150-600 meters above sea level (asl) and at a temperature of 25-30 ° C. Though classified as a freshwater fish, goldfish are sometimes found in brackish waters or estuaries are salinity (salt content) 25-30% o.

Classified types of goldfish are omnivores, fish that may prey on a variety of foods, both derived from microscopic plants and animals. However, the main food of plants and animals are found in the bottom and the water's edge.

    The life cycle begins goldfish developments in the gonads (ovaries in female fish that produce eggs and testes of male fish that produce sperm). Actually carp spawning may occur throughout the year and does not depend on the season. However, in their natural habitat, Bering carp spawn at the beginning of the rainy season, due to the stimulation of dry earthy flooded.Naturally, spawning occurs in the middle of the night to the end of dawn. Ahead of spawning, carp moms actively looking for a lush, such as water plants or grass that covered the surface of the water. Substrate is what will be used as a stick to the eggs while helping stimulation during spawning.The nature of carp eggs are attached to the substrate.  

    Goldfish eggs are round, translucent color, diameter 1.5 to 1.8 mm, and weighs from 0.17 to 0.20 mg. Egg size varies, depending on the age and the size or weight of the parent. The embryo will grow in the egg that has been fertilized by a sperm.Between 2-3 days later, the eggs will hatch and grow into larvae. Carp larvae have a pocket-sized egg yolks as a relatively large stock of food for the larvae. Bags of egg yolk will be exhausted within 2-4 days. Carp larvae are attached and move vertically.  

    Size of larvae between 0,50,6 mm and weighs between 18-20 mg.Turned into whitefly larvae (larval stadia end) within 4-5 days. In this whitefly stadia, goldfish require a supply of food from the outside to support life. Whitefly natural food mainly from zooplankton, such as rotifers, Moina, and daphnia. The need for whitefly natural food in a day about 60-70% of its weight.After 2-3 weeks, whitefly grow into fry-sized 1-3 cm and weighs 0.1-0.5 grams. Between 2-3 weeks then fry grow into putihan (seeds are ready to didederkan) measuring 3-5 cm and weighs 0.5 to 2.5 grams. Keputh will grow steadily.  

    After three months turned into a log that weighs about 100 grams per tail.Logs will grow steadily into the mains. After six months maintained, the weight of the male parent can reach 500 grams. Meanwhile, the parent females can reach weights of 1.5 kg after 15 months of age. Moms carp are in the habit of churning water base or bottom of the pond to look for food.

Types of Goldfish (Karper) 
   Today, many types of goldfish that circulated among farmers, both types are not very high quality to superior species. Each region has a favorite type of goldfish, for example, in West Java, the most popular goldfish is a type of carp Majalaya. In other areas, this type is not necessarily preferred, and vice versa. The difference is usually influenced by the tastes and habits of the farmers who cultivate them for generations. 

    Of the several types of carp that have been known to the public, including the type of superior varieties Majalaya. The proof, these varieties have been released by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1999 in the framework of the 25th anniversary of AARD.The types of goldfish can generally be classified into two groups, namely the consumption of carp and ornamental goldfish. Type carp consumption are the types of goldfish that are consumed or eaten by the people to meet the nutritional needs of animal origin. In the meantime, kind of ornamental goldfish are generally used to satisfy the inner satisfaction or for decoration (ornaments) and maintained in the garden ponds or aquariums.

A. Goldfish Consumption

1. Goldfish Punten
     This race was first developed in 1933 in the village of Punten, Malang, East Java. Her body is relatively short, but the width and height of the backplate. Therefore, the figure carp Punten impressed membuntak or short round (big belly). Comparison between total length and height is 2.3 to 2.4: 1. Color scales dark green, slightly bulging eyes, slow body movements, and are benign. 

2. Goldfish Sinyonya or Princess Yogya 
     It is not known for sure the origin of the name of this fish. Some people say, it is easy to carp spawn so called sinyonya. Elongated body shape (long bodied form) and back over
lower than Punten goldfish. Comparison between the length and the height is around 3.66:

Scales light yellow like the color of citrus peel. Young fish eyes rather prominent, then turned into a slant when the fish is getting old. The nature of carp sinyonya more benign than the fish Punten race. Sinyonya carp have a habit of gathering at the water surface.

Fecundity or the number of carp eggs sinyonya 85.000125.000 0.3 to 1.5 mm and diameter. Parent sinyonya male goldfish will mature first sex at the age of 8 months, whereas the females at the age of 18 months. Goldfish are resistant to parasites Myxoxporea. Tolerance range pH 5.5 to 8.5.

3. Goldfish Taiwan     
    Taiwan goldfish has an elongated body shape and form slightly rounded back like a bow. Scales yellowish green to reddish yellow on the edge of the anal fin and the tail fin. Taiwan goldfish are very responsive to food that will fight each other when fed. Allegedly carp ancestors are from Taiwan, then introduced and developed in Indonesia. 

4. Red Goldfish     
   The hallmark of this goldfish is red-gold-colored scales. Movement is active, not tame, and most like poking around the pond. Relatively elongated body shape. Compared to race sinyonya, relatively lower back position and not sharp. His eyes were slightly protruding. 

5. Goldfish Majalaya     
   As the name implies, this carp was first developed in the area Majalaya, Bandung regency, West Java. Body size is relatively short and his back bent over and pointed than the other goldfish races. Comparison between the length and his height is 3.2: 1.Her form was the taper toward the back and flat snout shape. The nature of these carp are relatively tame and used to swim in the water. Gray-green scales and darker edges, except at the bottom of the gills and in the lower tail fin yellowish.  

   The more to the back, the color is darker fish scales.Majalaya carp have advantages, including relatively rapid growth rate, resistance to Aeromonas infection hydrophilla, tastes delicious and savory, and is widespread in Indonesia. Fecundity or the number of eggs produced carp Majalaya relatively high, which 84000-110000 eggs per kilogram parent. The following criteria carp seed Majalaya various sizes by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). 

6. Goldfish Yamato     
   Goldfish is less popular among carp farmers in Indonesia. Elongated body shape. Green-brown scales. Goldfish are found and cultivated in East Asia, such as China and Japan. 

7. Local Goldfish     
   Goldfish are simply not able to be classified as one race or type of goldfish. Nonetheless, this fish is the most commonly found in the field and most widely recognized by the fish farmers today.Body shape and the color is a combination of several types of carp that already exists. In general, elongated body shape and her eyes narrow. Most likely these fish arise from uncontrolled cross-breeding with other types of carp others in the community. 

B. Ornamental Goldfish

The types of goldfish are classified into the following ornamental goldfish. 

1. Mas Man Kumpay     
   The distinguishing mark of kumpay goldfish fins are long and fringed all looked so wonderful when you're moving. Color scales vary widely, there are white, yellow, red, and dark green. Elongated body shape like a goldfish sinyonya. Growth is slow. Sometimes, the carp is also used as a food fish. 

2. Goldfish Kancra Domas     
   Elongated body shape. His movements resemble goldfish taiwan, which is always active and less benign. Scales are small and irregular arrangement. Color scales vary, there is a blue, brown, or green. Scales back dark. Getting to the stomach, the brighter the color is silvery or golden.

3. Goldfish Glass     
   Characteristic of this fish is a part of his body not covered in scales. The part that is not covered in scales cursory look clear, like glass. Along the lateral line (linea lateralis) and around the base of the fins are shiny white scales. The scales are large and not uniform. 

4. Fancy Goldfish
    Goldfish shape is elongated. Scales are white, yellow, and red. In the body there is a black totoltotol. Due to the wide range of colors that are called fancy goldfish.

5. Koi Goldfish     
   Koi carp or koi is more popularly known is derived from the Japanese. Becoming known in Indonesia around 1980. Elongated round body shape. Color scales vary, there are white, yellow, red, black, or a combination of these colors.Was fish hobbyists generally liked the koi crossbred types because of the color and pattern of its points are beautiful and interesting. Koi fish hobbyists preferred because the movement is slow and quite tame.
Koi fish have adapted to a variety of names and body color patterns, such as platinum Nishikigoi, Shusui Nishikigoi, shusi Nishikigoi, Kohaku Nishikigoi, and taishusanshoku Nishikigoi.  



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