Black Stingray-P12

The stingray is a species endemic to the Rio Tocantins river basin in Brazil. Bigtooth also called river stingray. As with any other of the genus Potamotrygon stingray, the stingray inhabits a variety of habitats, including large rivers are shallow, slow flowing rivers, and streams are muddy and sandy. During the rainy season, these fish will move to move into the flooded forest area.

These rays can also be found in lakes and ponds formed by receding floodwaters. Its size can reach 60 cm at the cakramnya.Pari are round and black, the body is having a pattern of white spots. At the tail there is a stinger or barb that can contain to protect themselves from predators. This fish is not composed of true order. Their skeletal structure made ​​up of cartilage as well as in sharks. As with any other stingrays, manta has developed a special organ called the respiratory ventilator. This organ function replaces the task gills when the fish is lying in the bottom waters.

Strictly speaking, aquarium decorations is not so necessary in maintaining the black stingray. But you can add a few large pieces of bogwood or smooth stones if anada want. Make sure that the decoration is heavy enough to be ruffled by this fish. Open space as a large swimming area must also be available. At the aquarium does not need to be given water plants because the plants will be eaten by the stingray. Pari adults need an aquarium with an area of ​​about 240x48x24 cm. Substrate choice depends on the personal choice of each. The substrate used was river sand, others use aquarium gravel varying magnitude. Many are not using the substrate altogether, perhaps intended to make it easier to clean the aquarium.

However, it is best to use river sand substrates because these fish like to bury themselves in the sand when the stress and the natural habitat of this fish is sandy and muddy habitats in nature. Required water conditions; pH6 0.0 to 7, 5 water temperature 23-28 ° C. Can feed stingrays are given for small fish and other small invertebrates, such as worms and crustaceans. Pari teens can be bloodworm, tubifex, or artemia. Black stingray is an active fish with a high metabolic rate, because they need to eat at least two meals a day. This is the top predator stingray habitat so unsafe maintain with other smaller fish. But these fish can not thrive if kept with fish are territorial and aggressive. Tankmates for this fish options include arowana, cichlid, tigerfish, bichir, or catfish. Every week, half of the volume of water must be replaced. Black stingray is one kind of freshwater stingrays are often sought. However, under the current rules IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis​​, Brazil's state environmental agency), exports from Brazil are illegal so consequently pari price is very expensive in the market. This stingray fish actually is dangerous, every year reported 2,000 cases of injury or death from stingray stings. The natives in most countries native fish habitat is much more afraid of this than pari other predatory fish are better known as piranha. Provided care is taken, these fish can become very tame will learn to recognize their owners even when fed.


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