Freshwater lionfish

Freshwater fish lionfish is a kind of a unique look that lives in the Indo-West Pacific region, which covers an area of ​​northwest Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Mekong delta. Have another name three-spined frogfish, toadfish, or freshwater stonefish. No one knows for sure why this fish called lionfish.

Freshwater lionfish has no kinship with lionfish that live in the ocean and fortunately, no such venomous lionfish in the marine family. Fish size is quite large, up to 30 cm in length. This fish inhabits habitats in the brackish estuaries and mangrove swamps are muddy. Most Freshwater lionfish contained in the ornamental fish trade is usually exported from Thailand.

This fish has a very unique body appearance. Freshwater lionfish has a wide head and a large mouth like a frog. It's also about the same as a frog, they waited patiently for their prey is within reach which will then quickly devoured. In addition, these fish can make guttural sounds when being persecuted or while making out. When you are silent, this fish looks like rocks when seen from afar. There are small spines on its skin, when touched by hand will cause pain. Although quite harmless, the thorns remain wary because it can cause allergies in susceptible people.

 Freshwater lionfish is a carnivorous fish, in the wild these fish live prey on crustaceans and fish. They rely on camouflage ability to get food so that when the prey does not swim directly in front of the fish, the fish may not be getting enough food. Using tongs or tweezers to hold a small fish, a shrimp or earthworms in front of their mouth is a good way to ensure that the fish is getting enough food. This fish is best suited maintained with brackish fish that are too large to fit into the fish's mouth. Because these fish are brackish water fish, the fish should be kept in brackish conditions. In fact freshwater fish can be maintained, but only for a short time because the fish can not survive long in fresh water. Required water conditions; pH 7.8 to 8.5 water temperature 22-28 ° C. Add to this the sea water around 2.5-3% of the volume of the aquarium. Commonly used substrate is aquarium gravel. Hiding places in the form of aquatic plants or rocks arranged to form caves are also recommended. This fish spends most of his time at the bottom of the aquarium. Actually, these fish are not aggressive fish, but this fish is a predator with a big mouth. Choose large tankmates if you want kept with this fish. This fish is more active at night, during the day these fish are usually a lot more hiding places.


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