Blue Whale (Blue Whale)

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal into the suborder of baleen whales. Length of more than 33 meters and has a mass of 181 metric tons or more. The animal was believed to be the largest animal ever to exist. 

Long and slender, the blue whale's body can vary the shade of gray kebiruannya. There are at least three distinct subspecies: B. m. musculus north Atlantic and north Pacific, B. m. intermedia, the Southern Ocean and B. m. brevicauda (also known as the pygmy blue whale) found in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific Ocean. B. m. indica was found in the Indian Ocean, may be another subspecies. As with other baleen whales, the staple diet contains tiny crustaceans known as krill, which is as good as a small fish and squid.

Most Loud Sound have

According to the scientists, the animal has the loudest voice is the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), which also holds the title as the largest animal on earth. Blue whale sounds louder than the sound of a Harley Davidson. Even louder than the sound of the loudest rock concert, and also louder than a bomb blast.

How hard is the sound of a blue whale? The fish sound is 188 decibels. This figure is equal to 1 million times the sound of jet engines (which reached a level of 120-130 decibels loudness). Keep in mind that the level of violence increases logarithmically voice. This means that every increase of 10 decibels means an increase in the intensity of the sound up to 10 times.

Pope uses only his nose to breathe. Many people think that the only whale spouting water from the hole. The truth is, whale releasing air from the lungs. Because the air contains water vapor and the temperature is hotter than the air outside, this looks like the water from a distance.

Whale bodies are usually shaped like a torpedo and is perfect for swimming in the water. Meanwhile if most of the fish tail perpendicular to the surface of the water, whales transverse and parallel to the water surface. With a tail like this, the pope is able to propel itself forward in the water.
There is a layer of subcutaneous fat whale about 50 centimeters thick. Function of this layer of fat to keep the body temperature to remain around 34-37 degrees Celsius.

Description and behavior
 The blue whale has a long tapering body that indicate areas of the body in comparison with other whales. His head was flat and U-shaped and has a striking back that extends from the blowhole to the top part Birir. The front of the mouth-shaped thick with baleen plates; around 300 plates (each plate is approximately one meter in length) hanging from the upper jaw, up to 0.5 m were back into the mouth. Between 60 and 90 grooves (called ventral plate) reaches of the esophagus in parallel to the body. This plate helps in removing the water from the mouth after eating movement.

Small shaped dorsal fin, which is seen briefly during the dive sequence. Located about three-quarters of the length of the body in the form of distinguishing one individual to another, some just have a little clear blobs, but others may have prominent and falcate dorsal. As to the surface to breathe, the blue whale showing shoulder and blurted out the water hole to a large extent than other large whales such as fin whales or whale Sei. These characteristics may be used by researchers to distinguish between species in the ocean. Some blue whales in the North Atlantic and North Pacific showing the tip of their tail when diving. When breathing, the pope issued a stunning burst of vertical columns (more than 12 m, 9 m in general that can be seen from a distance on a calm day. His lungs capacity of 5,000 liters. Endangered blue whales have dual blowholes, which is protected by a large shield .
Fins have three to four feet long. The upper side is gray with a thin white border. The down side is white. Head and tail are generally covered gray. The top of the whale, and sometimes fins, usually there is a bulge. Protrusion rate varies substantially from one individual to another individual. Some may be closed bluish gray color entirely, but the other shows that deserve variations dark blue, gray and black, all kinds of bumps.

Blue whales can reach speeds of 50 km / hour over short bursts, generally when interacting with other whales, but 20 km / h is the most typical traveling speed. When they move slowly eating up to 5 km / h.

Blue whales most commonly live alone or with one other individual. It was not known whether that roam in pairs survive long periods together exceeded or another form of freelance relatives. In places where there is a high concentration of food, as many as 50 blue whales have looked to spread beyond a small area. However, they did not form a relationship group that looks great in other baleen whale.


Blue whale weighed difficult because of their size. Most blue whales killed by whalers were not considered as a whole, but cut into pieces before setting. The cause of this is an underestimate of total whales, associated with loss of blood and other fluids. Nevertheless, the results of measurements between 150 and 170 tons were made by animals with a length of about 27 m. Mass of an individual a length of 30 m is believed by the NMML has a mass of more than 180 tons. Largest blue whale accurately weighed by NMML scientists to measure the mass of a female who has a 177 ton.

The blue whale is believed to be the largest animal ever to have lived. The largest known dinosaur of the Mesozoic Era is Argentinosaurus, which is estimated to have a mass of about 90 tons, although vertebrate kontoversional Amphicoelias fragillimus may be indicated as an animal that has a mass of 122 tons and a length of 40-60 meters. There is some disagreement about the largest blue whale ever found as most data emerging from blue whales killed in Antarctic waters during the first half of the twentieth century and was collected by whalers who are not familiar with the standard zoological measurement techniques. Pope longest ever won two Berina measuring 33.6 m and 33.3 m respectively. Even so, the measurement constraints disputed. The longest whale measured by scientists at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML) America is 29.9 m.

Blue whales tongue weighs around 2.7 tonnes when fully opened and estimated his mouth large enough to accommodate more than 90 tons of food and water. Besides the size of the mouth, throat size indicates that the blue whale can not swallow an object that is larger than a basketball. Heart mass 600 kg and is the largest known of any animal. Blue whale aorta diameter about 23 cm. During the first 7 months of his life, a blue whale calf drinks approximately 400 liters of milk every day. Blue whales children gain weight quickly, as much as 90 kg every 24 hours. Even at birth, they have a mass of 2,700 kilograms - same as full growth hippopotamus.


Blue whales feed almost exclusively is krill, though they also eat small amounts of copepods. This species of zooplankton eaten by blue whales range from one ocean to ocean. In the North Atlantic, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, Thysanoessa raschii, Thysanoessa inermis and Thysanoessa longicaudata are common foods. In the southern Pacific, Euphausia pacifica, Thysanoessa inermis, Thysanoessa longipes, Thysanoessa spinifera, Nyctiphanes symplex and Nematoscelis megalops; Antarctic Euphausia superba, Euphausia crystallorophias and Euphausia valentin.

The whales always feed in the areas with a high concentration of krill, sometimes eating up to 3,600 pounds of krill in a single day. This means that they typically feed at depths greater than 100 m during the day, and only eat at the surface at night. Dive time is typically 10 minutes when feeding, though dives of more than 20 minutes are common. Recording the longest dive was 36 minutes (Summer, 1998). These whales eat the right lung in a swarm of krill, the transport animals and a large quantity of water in his mouth. The water is then pushed out to the baleen plates by pressure from the tongue of the bag and fins. Once his mouth clean of water, the rest of krill, unable to pass right through the plate, then swallowed. The blue whale also incidentally consume small fish, crustaceans and squid caught up with krill.


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