
Catfish or keli fish, is a type of fish that live in fresh water. Catfish are easily recognizable because of his smooth, slightly flattened elongated, and has a "mustache" long, sticking out from around the mouth.
The names of catfish in NusantaraLele, scientifically, consisting of many species. Not surprisingly, when the catfish in the archipelago also has many regional names. Among other things: fish prop (West Sumatra), fish death (Gayo and Acehnese), fish sibakut (Karo), fish pintet (South Kalimantan), wrasses (Makassar), fish CEPI (South Sulawesi), catfish or leachate (Java middle) or fish keli (Malaysia).

Being in another country known as mali (Africa), plamond (Thailand), Gura Magura (Sri Lanka), (Japan) and the (Chinese). In English is called also catfish, siluroid, Mudfish and walking catfish. Scientific name, Clarias, chlaros derived from the Greek, meaning 'lively', 'strong', refers to the ability to stay alive and move out of the water.

The fish of the genus Clarias recognized body that is not slippery scaly elongated, with the dorsal fin and the anal fin is also long, sometimes fused with tail fins, making it look like a short eel. Menulang hard head at the top, with small eyes and a wide mouth that is located at the tip of the snout, equipped with four pairs of barbels touch (barbels) are very useful for moving in the dark water. Catfish also have additional breathing apparatus in the form of modification of the gill arch. There is a pair patil, the sharp bone spines, on her fins.

Lele was never found in brackish water or salt water, but the sea catfish belonging to the different clans and tribes. Habitat in the river with a slow flow of water, swamps, ponds, reservoirs, flooded rice fields. Even catfish can live in polluted water, for example in the gutters and sewers.

Catfish are nocturnal, which actively move looking for food at night. During the day, catfish silent and shelter in dark places. In the wild, catfish spawn in the rainy season.


Many types of catfish that are the preferred fish consumption. Most types of catfish have been cultured man, but most species caught from wild populations in the wild. African catfish is popular as a farmed fish, is actually a kind stranger who comes from Africa.
Catfish bred for consumption in Indonesia and also to maintain the quality of contaminated water.

Often catfish placed in polluted places because it can remove impurities. Catfish are placed in dirty places must diberok first term before it is ready for consumption. Diberok mean it is maintained in running water for several days in order to clean it.

Sometimes catfish also be put in the field by eating pests that were in the fields. Catfish are often placed in ponds or standing water areas other to cope with the growth of mosquito larva.
The types of catfish and spreading

There are about 55-60 species of Clarias clan members. Of that amount, in Southeast Asia are now known to about 20 species of catfish, most of which were newly identified and be described in the last 10 years.


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