
Marlin is a fish of the species of beaked fish (billfish). Beaked fish species is a species that is considered the most powerful in the sport of fishing. In addition to being a prima donna among anglers, known marlin fish meat is delicious and is usually processed into steaks, therefore many of the restaurants serving fish Marlin Steak menu. There are several types of fish marlin that can be known, which include: swordfish or swordfish (Xiphias galduys Linnaeus), black marlin or black marlin (Makaira indica), blue marlin or blue marlin (Makaira nigircan), white marlin or white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus).
Or Black Marlin Black Marlin (Makaira indica)

There is a lot of fish in the Indian Ocean and to be hunted in the hobby sport fishing activities in Pelabuhan Ratu. In addition there are also found in the Pacific Ocean. Being on the water with a temperature of 21-30 degrees Celsius, and are rarely found in the cold waters. This fish can be quickly identified because it is the only marlin that has a rigid dorsal fin. This fin can not be folded into the body.

Back line rarely evident in adult fish. His back is straight dark blue color changed to white on the back line. If you're jumping or eating it will show a faint blue line on the side. Food consists of cuttlefish, mackerel, bonito, flying fish.
Black marlin has the power, size and toughness to challenge anglers. This fish is known for its swimming speed and movement followed by a deep dive. The biggest fish ever caught weighing up to 700 pounds, about five times the weight of marlin generally, in Cabo Blanco, Peru on August 4, 1953.

Blue Marlin or Blue Marlin (Makaira nigircan)

The largest blue marlin ever caught weighed 637 pounds in Vitoria, Brazil February 29, 1992. These fish live in warm waters. These fish do not like black marlin also found in the Atlantic Ocean is to the tropics of the ocean. This is characteristic of fin fish pektoralnya never stiff, even when the dead can still be folded into the body.

High dorsal fin and sharp, high over the fish's body width. Large tail fins and sharp-tipped. This type of fish including aggressive fighter who often leapt into the air, as if not relentless. They swim fast and strong. Opposition is stronger than pompano.

White Marlin or Marlin White (Tetrapturus albidus)

The maximum weight is usually a male adult fish only 90 kilograms. While the female as the fish species can grow into a giant. The biggest fish ever caught weighs only about 82.3 pounds which is also obtained in Vitoria, Brazil on December 8, 1979. The fish are scattered in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea in the Mediterranean as well as in Europe. This fish can migrate to tropical waters. And often located close to the beach.

The most striking feature is the dorsal fin, pectoral and tail is round and not sharp. Pektoralnya fins can be bent up to a meeting with her​​. Side line is very clear. This fish is closer to the color green than other marlin.

Fish or fish Marlin Swordfish Swordfish (Xiphias galduys Linnaeus)

The maximum weight of the fish reaches 682 pounds, and the heaviest arrested in Iquique, Chile weighing 537 pounds. Cucutnya most long, straight and wide. Live at temperatures 13 to 22 degrees Celsius. This fish is found in almost all waters on the earth's surface. The most straightforward is characteristic sharp tentacle-like sword. This sword is used to defend or kill, attacking their prey. Eating like a cuttlefish other marlin, dolphin and mackerel.

His back to dark brown, bronze, metallic purple, blue-gray or black at all. Can dark side, and the bottom is white. This fish is easily frightened by the arrival of the ship and acting erratic although they rarely attack the ship. Whiskers are often used to cut the fishing line.

Marlin fishing

Trolling is a fishing method most favored by anglers in the ocean considering the fish caught is usually a fish that big example is fish marlin, marlin fish have characteristics which are pointy and sharp mouth like a sword. Marlin fished is famous for blue marlin. This fish can reach a size of more than 400 lbs so it is very challenging to catch the angler.

Anglers crave it once could be marlin. Fightnya great marlin, fish is also a stunner. If provoked, he jumped onto the surface of 10 to 20 meters. When hooked marlin, he rose to the surface so that there is time for the tug. This is where anglers fight how to win the fight. Captain of the ship must be nimble, too, helps to keep the rope did not break. How can rewind the ship in order to position the rope slack and there is a chance to roll.

Marlin fishing can use artificial lures or natural baits such as small tuna or mackerel. This bait hook is fitted with a large enough size according to the size of your bait. For trolling system you should use a boat with a speed of approximately 8-9 knots to attract the attention of the fish. With this speed, which is lined bait will look like a herd of small fish were swimming on the water surface. Artificial bait is good enough that having bright colors or use a silver-colored lures and bright as the types of fish that are natural foods such as tuna fish, mackerel fish and other fish species.


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