Chinese High Fin Banded Shark ( Myxocyprinus asiaticus )

Chinese High Fin Banded Shark / Chinese Sucker Fish (Myxocyprinus asiaticus) is also known by the Chinese hi fin or Sailfin Sucker, Sucker Asian, and Entsuyui. This fish comes from the Yangtze River in China and is one of the most primitive members of the family Cyprinideae.
Chinese Hi Fin considered a true sucker fish with lips form a small bear, fat, thick and without barbels. In addition, the Chinese Hi Fin has a single row of pharyngeal teeth that have been arranged.
In the wild, these fish can reach the size of 39 inches with a weight of 40 kg, while the average size aquarium that can be achieved is around 18-24 inches. Tank water temperature suitable for Chinese Hi fin range is 65 ° to 75 ° F (24 ° C) and pH 6-7, therefore the fish are cold water fish such as koi and goldfish. Chinese Hi Fin are omnivores to eat algae, shrimp, invertebrates, blood worms and others. Chinese Hi Fin young silvery colored with Black stripe on his body, with age, the color changes to make the fish is dark gray to reddish. The process of breeding in the aquarium not been reported but it is known that these fish are adherents egglayers.

Kingdom      : Animalia
phylum         : chordates
Class            : Actinopterygii
order            : Cypriniformes
Family          : Catostomidae
genus            : Myxocyprinus
species         : Myxocyprinus asiaticus

Chinese Hi Fin has a distinctive dorsal fin is high and shaped bracket that extends up the anal passage. Differences in male and female fish known as the adult, male fish brightly colored red with crimson vertical body lines, while the female fish with a dark purple reddish body lines.


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