7 Fish vicious in the World

7-The World Fish vicious shark is a ferocious predator, but in this discussion. Shark is not a topic of conversation, but smaller creatures which were in the sea and other waters that are not only known but least appealing ferocious and intimidating.

1. piranha

These fish have rows of sharp teeth and a compact connected to each other.
Teeth perfectly designed For piercing and tearing meat quickly where the Piranha has a gorge. If you're hungry and there's no other choice fish jg aggressive to its own kind or cannibalism.

Although piranhas hunt prey viciously and very organized, at this particular moment jg fish eat plants like grass. Jg research states that the behavior of these fish form a large group as a defense against predators such as crocodiles and river dolphins as well as a killing strategy. Although only fish.

2.Moray (sea eel)

This fish is found all over the world to slip in the cracks or fissures reef - where he waited and ambushed its prey with its jaws through forte. This fearsome carnivore eating marine animals. But humans can also attacked when the fish feels threatened. This eel is expected to reach 13 ft long is more aloof than to attack and only attack humans to defend himself or bite hands by mistake if fed. When it feels threatened, it became ferocious creature, and that terdpt bacteria on the teeth which can cause serious injury. In some species, the mucus in the skin also contain toxins. Characteristic of other moray is a second set of jaws in the throat that DND has teeth. When hunting and catching prey, these fish will issue the jaw in his mouth, crushing its prey and pull it to within the digestive

3. snakehead fish

Fish that can be equal to 3 ft is commonly found in Southeast Asian region, mostly India and Africa. Of this fish ever found to have large mouths and sharp teeth and ready to devour anything that is in front of him, fish, birds, frogs, or other mammals. These fish have also been reported to attack humans who get too close to her children.

Snakehead fish is said to have been around 50 million years ago. Fish inimenjadi evidence of evolutionary adaptation that fish using a lung and breathing atmospheric air. The snakehead fish can survive in the soil moist during the long season, and crawling next to a pond or lake to search for prey by using the body and fins.

  4. Tiger fish / fish Tigers

Tigerfish has teeth in her mouth is perfect. This fish is known as the vicious and voracious predator and adult types can reach a length of 6 ft.

Her body is built for speed and power. Such as armored vehicles with powerful fins and always ready to pounce even when its mouth is closed. This fish is often used as a game (game) fishing with a great gift. This fish can be found in the waters of the African freshwater. Any fish that pass the course will be torn to pieces by a distinguished strong jaws and sharp teeth that resemble piranhas. This fish jg known to prey on other fish that was bigger than him. The fish finder is also aware of the type goliath tigerfish distinguished by national geographic described as "evolution on steroids".

5. anglerfish

Anglerfish Hiding away in the depths of the ocean, the fish is so named (= anglerfish angler fish) because of the way that uniquely captures prey by using its body parts protruding out of his head that hearkens back to the fishing hook which miraculously able to issue a bioluminescent glow that comes from millions of glowing bacteria attached to it. It is quite interesting prey to come close and so touching "bait" is, Anglefish will instantly react quickly devoured.

Ready to pounce on a big mouth and a long, toothed jaws which leads to make it easy to incorporate within prey to the stomach as well as the way out of her mouth shut. Predator mieip this machine can expand its jaw and stomach to prey even bigger than he could fit into it. This ghost grows in the ocean at a depth of 3,300 to 6,600 ft below the sea. O, yes, can reach 2 feet in length.
6. Dragon fish / Dragon Fish

Dragonfish is quite known for that oversized mouth and teeth like fangs are scary. His head is filled with everything as simply jaw and eyes. Another beautiful and give off light to attract potential prey, much like a fishing hook anglerfish. Although a little light beauty beautiful because it's still quite ferocious predator fish are scary and should be avoided.

7. viperfish

Viperfish is Chauliodus genus of fish in the sea, with a long needle-like teeth and lower jaw berengselIni is one of the fiercest predators in the deepest part of the ocean and attacks its prey with it draws prey with luminous spots running from throat to tail, this organ is called photophore and located at the back of the spine and also use natural light to communicate with potential mates and rivals. Viperfish can go without food for days. Beware of sharp fangs, even if it is dead. 


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