
Grouper - One of the utilization of coastal marine waters which promises good prospects for the cultivation of grouper. The choice of location for the fish farming plays a vital santa. Permilihan exact location will support the sustainability of the business and production targets.

Some things to consider in choosing a location for the cultivation of grouper are risk factors such as wind and wave conditions, depth of water, free of pollutants, does not interfere with shipping lanes;

The convenience factor is close to infrastructure such as transportation, the fish auction (source feed), and the supplier of the necessary infrastructure (electricity, telephone), and hydrographic factors such addition must be clear, free from pollution and free of reverse flow, and the waters shall have specific physical and chemical properties (salinity, dissolved oxygen).

Grouper is demersal fish species that likes to live in the waters of the reef, in between the cracks in the rock or in a cave in the bottom waters. Carnivorous fish are classified as less active is relatively easily cultivated, because it has a high adaptability.

To meet the demand for ever-increasing grouper, can not be met from the arrest so that farming is one of the business opportunities that are still very open.
3 known species of groupers, namely grouper, tiger grouper, grouper and mud that has been available and controlled by technology. Of the three types of fish, grouper species (Cromileptes altivelis) is recommended. This is because the price per kilogram is much more expensive than the other two types of grouper.

In Indonesia, grouper is also known as grouper or in world trade internsional got the nickname as a panther fish due to his body decorated with small round spots of black.

On grouper distribution area ranging from East Africa to the Pacific Southwest. In Indonesia, groupers are found in the waters of the island of Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Buru and Ambon.
One indicator is the grouper reef waters. Indonesia has a fairly extensive reef waters that kerapunya very large resource potential.

In its life cycle, in general, young groupers live in coastal reef waters with a depth of 0.5 to 3 m, then stepped up effort into the deeper waters between 7-40 m.

Eggs and larvae are pelagic, while the young and adult grouper is demersal. Favorite habitat grouper larvae and young are coastal waters with rocky sand base is much overgrown with seaweed.

Ekonlogis parameters suitable for growth of grouper that temperatures between 24 - 310C, between 30 -33 ppt salinity, dissolved oxygen content> 3.5 ppm and a pH between 7.8 to 8. Waters with these conditions, are generally found in coral reef waters.


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