Types of Freshwater Ornamental Fish

Types of Ornamental Fish Freshwater - For you lovers of Freshwater Ornamental Fish, knowing the types of fish as you akirium charger is very important. many species of freshwater fish aquarium is beautiful for filler. but the fish zone will provide information about Junis freshwater ornamental fish species that currently many mintai by fish lovers.

1. Fish Black Ghost

Fish Black Ghost (Afteronotus albifrons, Linnaeus) is one type of fish that have potential business opportunities. This type of fish has not been widely known by the public but some employers currently produce seeds as ornamental fish for local and export commodities.
"Black Ghost" comes from the Amazon River, South America is a peaceable fish, which can reach 50 cm in size, elongated and flattened body with black body color. This fish is classified into fish knife (Knifefishes), because the overall shape resembles the blade wide of the head and body then tapering abdomen.
Water quality requirements of the desired media fish Black Ghost of 'Soft' (soft) and tend to be acidic, however 'Black Ghost' relative can live in varying water conditions. Black Ghost also choose a particular type of food, can eat dry food, frozen and live food, however if you prefer worms fed with hair.

2. Neon Tetra fish

Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is a type of freshwater fish which includes characin family (family Characidae, order Characi formes). Type of genus Paracheirodon a tetra fish native South American waters. Bright colors make this fish species can be seen in the dark waters of the inland river and this is one reason for the popularity of these fish as ornamental fish.
Neon tetra has a bright color, horizontal lines are colored blue-green along both sides of the fish from nose to tail and front reddish color along the lower half of the posterior part of the body. At night the body color will disappear for the fish to rest and will reappear when the fish is active in the morning. Neon tetra can grow up to 4 cm. Female fish have a stomach that is a little larger than the male fish.

3. Anglefish 

Fish manfish (Angle Fish) comes from South America, but has been cultivated in Indonesia. Manfish called Angle Fish Fish (Angels), because the shape and the color is attractive and quiet gerakkannya. In general, fish farming manfish not require large tracts of land, can even be done in the aquarium or paso of the ground, so it does not require huge investments for cultivation.
4. fish Palmas 

Palmas, is one type of ancient fish / Jurassic fish. This fish can live in shallow waters, and even dry adang. Having the ability to adapt to water with low oxygen content. This fish is able to take the air directly. Cukupmudah how they are maintained, given the live food fish (carp, CERE / guppy), worms and even pellets / dry food.
Types that we can meet in Indonesia another atara: Polypterus Delhezy, PolypterusPalmas, Polypterus Ornatipinis, P. Retropinis, P.Weeksy. These fish require a tank / place considerable maintenance, if we want memeliharanyalebih of 1 fish, because fish species is quite aggressive towards each other.
In-keeping in the aquarium should be made of wood or rocks to place persembunyiaannya. And also likes to jump into surface water. So the aquarium should be given cover. Relatively normal acidity of the water between 7-8. Hardness is also normal.

5. Ornamental fish Niasa

Ornamental fish Niasa (auratus) is a fish that has the hallmark of elongated body shape is rather flat with a solid black base color or golden yellow. Niasa ornamental fish are aggressive fish that need to be careful if you want to mix with other ornamental fish.
Water quality ornamental fish deperlukan niasa is pH = 7 with a water temperature between 24-27 degrees Celsius. Ornamental fish can niasa dibudidayakn in cement tanks or aquariums. Ktinggian water for spawning between 30-35 cm.
Niasa ornamental fish that have been aged seven months to 7 cm in size can already bred. Ci have a male parent in yellow polka dots in her anus fins, while the females do not punya.Makanan niasa fish is water fleas, larva and others.

6. Rainbow fish 

Rainbow ornamental fish ornamental fish which is very potential to be developed in Indonesia. It was unclear where the fish originated. There are two well-known types of rainbow fish, ie fish Rainbow Papua (New Guinea), and Sulawesi Raiboe fish.
Irian his trademark rainbow fish is essentially a silvery color with a dark metallic color. Sulawesi rainbow fish typically are yellow olive with a yellow color on the bottom.
But in interest is the rainbow fish from Irian. Ornamental fish breeding rainbow by gluing their eggs on water plants. Rainbow fish need a quality clear water with temperatures of 23-26 degrees Celsius.
During the process of laying the water should really meet the standard required and necessary water changes once a week. Rainbow fish food is a choke, water fleas, worms and other zambut.
Rainbow fish is a fish species that attracted many people because this type of fish can also be an export commodity. There are 2 types of well-known rainbow is rainbow Irian (Melano Tacnia maccaulochi and Rainbow Anlanesi ogilby Telmatherina ladigesi ahl Irian Rainbow essentially silvery color with a dark metallic color whereas rainbow Sulawesi basically yellow olive color, with a yellow color of the bottom of this fish species including fish egg laying by gluing on aquatic plants.

7. fish Louhan 

Lou Han is one of the much-loved ornamental fish in Indonesia and comes from the family Cichlidae. Siklid a large family consisting of hundreds of species. Crosses between Lou Lou Han Han shown to produce fairly good quality with certain physical characteristics, ie on the aspect of color, tattoo and beauty of form. One of the factors that influence the change in color of Lou Han fish is the artificial feeding of fish in addition to the genetic factors. There are a lot of Lou Han feed products on the market and offers the advantages of each other for growth, change color, and appearance of the development Nonong pearl scales, thus making consumers confused to select it. There is also a market strategy that makes the dual function of feed or three functions. This study was conducted to test various brands of feed Lou Han on the market to change color especially red on Lou Han fish Red Diamond, in addition to knowing the growth (weight gain) of fish.
8. fish Corydoras 

Corydoras is one kind of freshwater fish are much in demand ornamental fish lovers and have export opportunities. Besides being used as a freshwater fish, can also be used as a raw material in the manufacture of cosmetics developed countries.

Although this fish comes from South America, but has long been successfully cultivated in Indonesia. This fish is known for its ease of cultivation. Short and chubby body shape, more arched back than the stomach, both sides equipped with plates like fish bones arranged in two rows, has two pairs of whiskers located on the upper jaw and the lower jaw and body size can reach 12 cm. Corydoras fish can be cultivated in ponds of oxygen content in the water is low. Environmental conditions suitable for these fish types are: pH 6-8, temperature of 21.5-28 o C.

9.Severum fish 

Severum fish Cichlasoma Severum is one kind of freshwater fish from the northern United States (S. Arhazone). He was short, fat and flat with basic body color varies the fawn, or brownish black. This fish species also have high economic value. Severum fish can be kept in the aquarium or tub of water quality cement required for maintenance Severum fish, namely:
PH: 5.5 to 7, the water temperature of 21-25 ° C.kan Severum can already spawned after measuring 12-15 cm. Male parent of females can be distinguished from the color and size of the male parent is more brightly colored with mains larger than females. Food that can be given these types of fish include: water fleas, larva, silk worms, etc..

10. Discus fish 

Discus fish (Symphysodon discus) is one kind of freshwater fish from the Amazon River (Brazil). The types of fish that have economic value and very unpopular in many Indonesian negara.Di Diskus fish can already be cultivated and very's potential to be developed as the market than can be marketed locally, can also be an export commodity. Characteristic of discus fish is benetuk body flattened body, a round similar to the base color pomfret sorrel. Discus fish can be cultured in the Aquarium for a pair of discs can be placed in a tank measuring about 75 x 35 x 35 cm qualities needed for life and the discus fish thrive in the crystal clear water, a temperature of about 28-30 ° C pH (degree of acidity) 5 - 6 except that the content of dissolved oxygen should be quite high, greater than 3 ppm (parts per million). Discus fish can already be bred after the age between 15-20 months. As for common foods by eating the water fleas, larva, worms (artificial food) in the market. 

11. Mas Koki Fish 

Goldfish is a fish that is very popular among fans. The reason this fish has been known decades in Indonesia. Even, perhaps became who first maintained as fish ornamental. Even so, this new species of fish have evolved considerably devotees around the 2000s. Fish are originally from China, its shape is very cute and fun. Medium to large size reaches 20 cm. However, in Indonesia this fish similar to carp. This fish glad creeping in basic and just occasional swim. There is a wide range of colors in goldfish, such as red, yellow, black, white, and some are a mixture of various colors. In addition, these fish also have a very diverse species or varieties. Entity form generally rounded or chubby. Makin rounded usually increasingly popular the fans. On some types of, mas chef the head lion (lion head) and eye balloon, does not have a fins backs. There is also has a tail fin and two, open or bloom and length. While that type of fin buds and blooms, not sell it or not liked.

The type ikanmas's a good chef, the pearl goldfish: Fish chef pearl is a type of carp that have a rounded body with a small head and tail width. This fish comes from mainland China, but in Indonesia have long be cultivated. Fish marketing in the country, besides also the kinds of fish that are exported and the price is quite high.

12. fish Arwana 

Arowana fish families including "ancestor", ie fish families Osteoglasidae or "bony-tongue" (bony tongues), because the base of the mouth in the form of bone that serves as a tooth. Arowana thinking about a variety of nicknames, such as: Fish Dragon (Dragon Fish), Barramundi, Saratoga, PlaTapad, indolent, Siluk, Kayangan, peyang, Tangkelese, Aruwana, or Arowana, depending on the place. Arowana fish is a fish that come from tropical and sub-tropical regions, so much arowana is found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Burma, Thailand. Habitat is the river - a large river with currents
are quite heavy.
Wild caught arowana have now been very rare. Arowana number decreased drastically, especially supported by the many water pollution as it is now. Arowana are circulating now certainly is the result of breeding nurseries conducted entrepreneurs who already tested the quality genes. Arowana fish Asian Arowana or (Scleropages formosus) is one of the most favorite fish in the world. With a strong physical resistance, great price and a arowana lovers everywhere to make arowana fish legend.
the type of asia that have silvery colored latin name (Scleropages formosus) is a fish that is a favorite for the national ornamental fish hobbiis. with color

Amazing there are silver, gold, red and green. Arowana become a favorite for many people because of the dazzling scales. It is said that keeping fish arowana can also bring woolfmother this is what causes arowana fish price in the market is always high and stable. Unlike ornamental fish other species whose price fluctuates.

13. Betta fish

Ornamental fish Betta fish are very well known by the public, especially children - children, because the fish apparently beautiful addition can also be an interesting Tentera when in fights. This fish is also called fish and game is a Latin name Betta spendens, included in the family Anabantidae (Labirynth Fisher)


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