Dwarf Pufferfish : Ikan Buntal Mini

This fish has many other names, including Malabar pufferfish, pygmy pufferfish, or pea pufferfish. Originally from India. This wrapping is a species endemic river Pamba, the state of Kerala in southwestern India. Habitat is inhabited by pufferfish freshwater rivers and flood plains to the brackish coastal estuaries watery. Fish habitat is often found alone or in small groups. This is the kind of wrapping wrapping the smallest in the world, especially the type of wrapping the smallest among other freshwater pufferfish. Its length can only reach about 2.5 to 3.5 cm only.

Dwarf pufferfish has a rounded shape like peas, because that's sometimes called pea pufferfish pufferfish. Their overall body color is golden brown or grayish brown on the top, while in the lower part of the stomach is usually colorless or light yellow or off-white. In the body there are also shades of black lines can be vertical or horizontal or it could be the dots. In adult males usually are vertical black lines on the bottom and has a yellowish belly more than the female. Wrapping also has blue eyes so wrapping also has another name blue eyed pufferfish. If you are being threatened bundles can inflate itself with water or air. When they're fluffy, this pufferfish spines sticking out and this can help them not to defend themselves devoured by predators. Another defense used is generating a lot of toxic substances in their bodies that are poisonous when eaten.

Dwarf pufferfish pufferfish is a carnivorous fish that requires live feed. The thing to remember is the small fish that feed is too small. Feed that can be provided include brine shrimp, blood worms, small snails. Usually these bundles are also often used as snail eaters in aquascaping. Giving daily feeding snails as useful to scrape their teeth are constantly growing lengthwise. Otherwise their teeth will grow too long eroded. These bundles usually do not want to eat food flakes. Because it does not have a cover pufferfish gills, they are usually considered to be more susceptible to disease and changes in water conditions. Feed given to them usually do not spend all. Thus, these bundles require optimum filtration and require more frequent water changes and maintenance is better than general. Recommended standards for the replacement of water in the aquarium puffer Thisis 30-50% water every week. Water conditions are necessary; pH ​​7.5 to 8.3 water temperature 22-28 ° C. Wrapping the fish are very intelligent and have a great curiosity. As well as puffer fish, pufferfish has a diverse nature, but usually they are a territorial fish. This requires a pufferfish aquarium there is lots of water plants and maybe some other decorations. It is generally useful to reduce boredom and help prevent fights. The bundles are usually aggressive towards other fish except on Otocinclus fish, small fish-eating algae commonly called dwarf oto. Besides Otocinclus fish as tankmates, this fish is better maintained with fish of its own kind. Even the male fish can be very territorial and aggressive. To avoid this, make sure the water plants and the aquarium has adequate space and provide lots of caves and hiding places. Also keep the ratio between the male fish per three female fish.


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