Striped Raphael Catfish (Platydoras armatulus)

Striped Raphael Catfish or Chocolate also called a kind of catfish catfish family Doradidae. Catfish have other designations such as talking catfish, catfish chocolate, or chocolate doradid. Striped Raphael Catfish is world famous as ornamental fish because it has a nice temperament and the nature of his curiosity. These fish are usually found in the Amazon, Tocantins, ParnaĆ­ba, Orinoco, and Essequibo rivers in Brazil, French Guyana, and Suriname. Striped Raphael Catfish can grow up to 24 cm.

Lele has two rigid spines on his chest fins and the back fin. In the body there is also a row of small protective spines curved along his sides. This fish has a dark brown body and white stripes along the body. In their natural habitat these fish often make a hole in the river bottom is soft, especially on the sandy river bottom. Usually these fish eat mollusks, crustaceans, and organic remains in its natural habitat.

Striped Raphael Catfish fish are good fish and peaceable towards its own kind and also for other fish. Catfish is also suitable for community aquarium fish. But this fish is a nocturnal fish, so the catfish is more often seen and are active at night. Water conditions are necessary; pH 5.8 to 7.0 temperature 26-28 ° C. Catfish generally swim at the bottom of the aquarium. The substrate used better form of sand or fine gravel because of the nature of these fish that like to dig. Striped Raphael Catfish feed protein needs such as blood worms or tubifex. Frozen foods, flakes, or pellets that sink might be eaten by the fish. Currently the author is maintaining these fish are kept since I was measuring about 5 cm. From the results of the author's experience maintaining catfish, catfish caught this when a sound that sounds like a growl or a snoring sound. That's why catfish are sometimes called "Talking Catfish". Caution is needed when catching fish with nets because these fish can be caught in a net by a stiff fin spines. 


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