Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)

Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is the largest animal in the group of toothed whales as well as the largest toothed animal in the world. Pope was named as milky white substance spermaceti found on the head, and was originally mistaken for sperm. Sperm whales are large head and a different overall shape, plus they appear in the novel Moby-Dick, written by Herman Mellville, making it known as the pope archetypes (archetypes).

Partly because Melville, Sperm whales are often associated with semi-mystical Leviathan of the Bible stories. Sperm whales also once known as the Common Cachalot

Physical Description
Characteristic of the Sperm Whale is a large head, especially for males, which usually can be up to a third rather than long badanya. Own species name macrocephaluss taken from the Greek for "big head". Unlike the slick skin possessed by most other whales, the sperm whale skin back usually twitch. They are colored gray, although sometimes look brown under sunlight ("Great White Whale" in the Melville novel, if any, chances are albino). Not surprisingly, the brain Sperm whales are the largest and heaviest of all animals (average weight of 7 kg in adult male whale). However, sperm whale brain is not so big compared to her body.

 Breathing holes (blowhole) located adjacent to the front of the head and leaning to the left (when viewed from the same direction as the pope). This gives the characteristics of a clear evolved blowing towards the front. Hind fins located about two-thirds of the lower spine and is usually short and shaped isosceles triangle. Flukenya also triangular and very thick. Flukenya raised up high out of the water before the whale dives.

Sperm whales have 20-26 pairs of conical teeth on their lower jaw. Each tooth can weigh up to one kilogram has. This form of dental origin is not known with certainty. It is believed that the teeth are not required to consume cuttlefish, instead there is a healthy wild Sperm Whales and well fed but not toothed. Consensus of the scientists of today are the teeth may be used in fights between males whales of the same species. This hypothesis is consistent with cone-shaped teeth and sparse. Rudimentary teeth which are also located on the upper jaw, but the teeth are growing and rarely seen in the mouth.


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