Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus)

Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) are marine mammals that enter into the suborder of baleen whales. Pope, who had a long length of almost 27 meters, is the second largest whale and the second largest animal after blue whales.
Fin whales are the whales that posture long and slender. Fin whale's body brownish gray but the underside lighter. There are two subspecies: northern fin whales in the North Atlantic and the Antarctic fin whales in the southern ocean. These whales can be found in all the world's major oceans, from polar regions to tropical seas. The Pope can not be found in the icy waters such as in the Arctic and the Antarctic. These whales also can not be found in small distant waters of the open ocean. The largest population of whale is found in warm and cold waters. Food whales are fish, squid and crustaceans, including krill and mysidacea.

Just like all other large whales, fin whales hunted during the 20th century and is now a threatened species. International Whaling Commission (IWC) banned the hunting of whales, but Iceland and Japan still expressed a desire to do the hunting. Some are quite disturbing msalah population recovery of this species include deaths caused by collisions with ships, and noise pollution by humans. then if you want to know about the fish, please visit our website.


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