types of whales

Fishworlds us. The Pope is a kind of mammal that lives in the ocean. Although the Indonesian whales often called "whales", the pope is not actually belong to the fish family. Other mammals such as whales have the following characteristics:

     > breathe through lungs
     > have fur (a little, almost nothing for the adult whales)
     > warm-blooded
     > have mammary glands.
     > have a four-chambered heart

Ancient whales evolved in the mid-tempo Eocene, about 50 million years ago. One of the earliest whales are extinct Basilosaurus which has a small head and a protruding snout toothed. Basilosaurus has a length of 25 meters.

Fossils show that whales are from hoofed land animal, possibly from animals like Mesonychid (animals such as wolves who live on the coast), which gradually returned to live in the sea about 50 million years ago. One more possibility of another animal that turns into a whale, is Ambulocetus, dog-sized mammals of the sea, 3 meters long weighing 325 pounds.

At the present moment, there are two types of whales, the whales Odontoceti toothed whales and Baleen whales, Mysticeti. Odontoceti are toothed whales are predators that eat fish, squid, and marine mammals, have a breathing hole. Baleen whales are larger than toothed whales and have a structure known as baleen shaped brush. This structure is useful for filtering plankton in the water. Baleen Whales have two breathing holes.


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