Basic Tips Catfish Farming

Catfish Farming Basic Tips - How to start a catfish farm is outlines how to start raising fish, especially catfish, currently the most popular is the sangkuriang catfish breeding. The advantage of this is sangkuriang resistance to various diseases as well as an amazing growth rate.

This rapid growth sangkuriang lelel, within 3 months of a farmer is able to harvest fish lelel good size for sale in the market. Sangkuriang catfish seed readily available, almost all fish breeding centers owned by local governments sell this sangkuriang catfish fingerlings. Sangkuriang catfish fingerlings price also includes cheap ranging from Rp 50 / tail.

How to start a cattle farming catfish is almost the same as the jumbo catfish breeding, what is needed is as follows:

1.)  Land to be used for catfish breeding ponds sangkuriang, 1 m square can ideally accommodate 200 catfish fingerlings. Container, the container here in the sense that you want to maintain both catfish in a pond instead, such as drums, vats, tubs and so on, the rules remain the same size ideally with maintaining catfish in ponds.
2.) Water containing plankton to feed catfish, especially for new seeds to enter the pool. How to get water containing plankton and pond fertilization is needed composting ruminant feces soaked for a week until the water turns a greenish color.
3.)  The roof, the roof catfish breeding in desperate need of a catfish pond that protects the entry of rain water. Rain water contains acid that is not good for the health of livestock catfish, usually in open ponds of catfish mortality rate is higher than the roof-covered pond.
4.)  healthy seedlings sangkuriang catfish, catfish fingerlings every purchase note the condition of the fish seed, which needs to be considered is the movement of seeds, fingerlings should look agile movements and normal, perfect body; note the entire body apaka catfish fingerlings are abrasions or not , usually catfish fingerlings are shipped from long distances often we find blisters on the entire body like this catfish seed quality is not good.
5.Feed, the feed should be prepared as early as possible either in pellet or concentrate betuk made ​​his own.

Begin a brief overview catfish breeding; prepare a place for breeding (pond or vat or drum), the fish pond sterilization with a disinfectant after that let the catfish pond going diving 3 days in a dry state, and the lawyer did fertilizing with cow dung komposan allow to dry for 3 days, then fill the water and leave it for a week until the water turns a blackish green color indicates there has been a lot of micro-organisms to feed catfish fingerlings. After a week of catfish fingerlings enter into pond and routinely supervise the catfish growth and feed controls.


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