Fish Flasher (Paracheilinus Nursalim)

Paracheilinus Nursalim is a new species of fish, found in Indonesia in 2006, also called fish flasher. Paracheilinus Nursalim found in expeditions Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) of Conservation International in West Papua, Indonesia in 2006 (Region FakFak / Kaimana)

Males usually perform ritual where the color awesome fondling 'electric' glow periodically to get the attention of nearby females. Fondling dance performed every day in the afternoon, starting one hour before sunset and continues until dusk.

Mouth and lips that are modified to make the fish can eat, breathe and attached to the surface of the siphon. Parenting adult fish for their eggs, male not female mate then go left, but thrive better where adult males usually guard the eggs and larvae of fish occasionally.

The species was named after the wife of Councillor CI family, Enki Tan, Cherie Nursalim ie. They could be donors Bird Head Seascape, global institute for marine conservation priorities.

This fish has the most spectacular color compared to all other reef inhabitants. His name is derived from courtship behavior
Her unique. Male fish suddenly emit electric neon colors while enforcing fish fins to attract females.

Types of fish are auctioned flasher is considered the most awesome fish of 16 species are known. This fish is found in the stretch of the southern part of Sea Bird's Head, from Raja Ampat to Triton Bay.

 Species is known only from the Bird's Head region in Papua Indonesia, and very little is known of this new species are described. However, given the deep water habitat and small size, and its presence in marine protected areas within a limited range, it is listed as Least Concern.

Habitat This species inhabits semi-sheltered area exposed to periodic strong currents. It is always associated with a gradual slope debris at depths ranging from approximately 5-50 m or more, but are most abundant between 20-35 m. The animals included in the IUCN red list.


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