Catfish Fishing Techniques

Catfish Fishing Techniques - Catfish is one fish that many anglers enjoy doing for at fishing. For those of you who like to fish catfish fishing techniques following is how Catfish fishing well. try this article carefully to learn how to fish for catfish.

1. Catfish fishing circuit could use a float or not (glosor). Fishing circuit may comprise 1 or 2 hook size from small to medium. This is because fish pegasius not have too big a mouth. Use a small wire and limp nikelin or kenur scout / lider, swivel and lead sinkers small size. The thing to remember, if you would prefer to hook up a float is a float must distance along the river or pond so that it can touch the bottom of the bait

First of all ties to the fishing rod nikelin / kenur 5-7 cm long waveguide, and the waveguide kenur nikelin or (if there are two, both of them) attached to a swivel. Previous swivel is tied to the main strings, do not forget to enter the lead ballast in the main kenur. Make sure the lead ballast used is the type that hole in the middle (tin melinjo) so that the lead can move freely in the main strings. Once the lead is inserted, the main strings tied to the swivel with a hook attached. After a series of fishing rods so, use a rubber stopper in the main strings as the lead guard in order not to wander too far from the spool. Distance of 5 cm is usually sufficient. Once the bait is thrown installed, make sure the strings are in a straight line between the angler and bait. No need to pull the strings so tight, just leave a little slack so that the strings can be seen floating on the water to form a single line. Is fish grabbed, then anglers will see a line formed of strings above the water running.

2. Catfish will not take the bait in one jolt, so the strings move quickly while jerking your rod. Late will result in jerking the bait dilepehkan by fish and detached.

3. Catfish will feel exciting when fished with small strings. Beginners are advised to 8-12 lbs sized strings, for those who like fighting technique "push-pull" strings suggested using size 2-6 lbs.

4. Do not forget the drag setting is adjusted to the size of the strings. The first beat is not going to make a large catfish with a strong fight, you usually will feel heavy, but getting to the edge of the fish will begin to "run amok". Be careful, the sudden jolt of Pangasius small strings can terminate a string. When the fish is near and ready to be appointed, prepare a drain to remove fish. Remember not to hold the rope if you want to lift the fish to diserok. When using small kenur, catfish yng want diserok usually will fight hard and most likely break


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