Bawal difference with Piranha

Bawal difference with Piranha - at first a lot of people are confused about the difference pomfret with piranha fish. basically the physical characteristics of both fish almost have cirikhas which is almost similar. The following is piranha difference with pomfret fish:

> piranha fish whose life is more fun in groups, at the time of piranha eat their prey, usually destroying and tearing apart prey together. whereas pomfret hunts individually and not in groups

> piranha have one characteristic that rarely has other fish species that is its quiet as a statue but to react immediately when there is prey nearby. 

> striking difference between the pomfret with one piranha piranha than the lower lip forward is more advanced than bintik2 silvernya color is so different from the light that is not dominated pomfret silver pomfret bintik2 tend kehitam2an.


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